Welcome to 1989, the last year of the great and crazy 80s. 1989 ended with the Cape Crusader making a triumphant return with Jack Nicholson giving an iconic performance. “Oh Captain, My Captain” spoken from Robin William influenced poetry lovers while Denzel gave an award-winning performance in a black Civil War regiment. Through the year, we tried to figure out if men and women could be friends and if Indiana Jones completed his last adventure. Let’s say goodbye to the 80s.

“I’m Batman.” One of the best films of the year. Batman returns to the big screen with Michael Keaton starring as the Cape Crusader in this Tim Burton film. The tone is dark in Burton’s film with all of Batman gadgets. Also, the great Jack Nicholson as the Joker was a great choice as he transcended this film. Keaton’s turn as Batman was a great choice as he is one of the best Batman’s of all time.
Dead Poets Society

I am not a fan of poetry, or I probably can’t get the meaning of it. My understanding of poetry is way off, but this film will give you hope that anyone could write poetry. Robin Williams is phenomenal in this role as an English teacher who inspires his students through his teaching of poetry. Who wouldn’t want a teacher like Keating to teach you poetry?

Glory is, without a doubt, one of the BEST movies made about the American Civil War. There are so many reasons why this film is beyond EPIC. The script is fantastic, followed by the excellent acting of many of the characters. Glory is one of the few films that portrays another side of the Civil War that many people don’t talk about. Well, we are going to talk about it today. A film that shows BLACK EXCELLENCE!! Plus, this is the film Denzel Washington won his first Academy Award from.
All Dogs Go to Heaven

One of my favorite cartoon films. All Dogs Go to Heaven is a fun but serious film that deals with death, doing the right thing and whether a soul can be changed. Charlie is a German Shepard that loves to gamble and not a good dog, who is murdered by his friend. He comes back to get revenge. Told you it was a dark film. It has one of my favorite songs, “Let Me be Surprised.”
Major League

If you need a sports film to laugh at then Major League is one of the best. The film is a fictionalized story of the Cleveland Indians who are straight up trash and their new owner wanting to movie the team. In this hilarious film, it has many stars from Charlie Sheen as Wild Thing, and Wesley Snipes as Willie Mays Hayes. The film shows the team going from last place to first place.
When Harry Met Sally…

A film that addresses the age-old question, “Can men and women ever just be friends?” Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal are funny in this film where the main characters meet in Chi-Town and looks at their lives through twelve years through chance encounters in New York City. The diner scene with faking an orgasm will always be a classic scene. One of the best films and no still can answer the question.
Do the Right Thing

Spike Lee hit all the right topics and notes in this film. It is one of the greatest films that should be watched as it explores a Brooklyn neighborhood’s neck deep in racial tension between its African American residents and the Italian American owners of a local pizzeria. So much what goes on in the film still is prominent today.
The Little Mermaid

Under the sea!!! The Little Mermaid is one of Disney’s classic animated films. It has some great music and one of the best villains in Ursula. Who wouldn’t want sea life singing while you might have to kiss the girl. Also, Under the Sea should get anyone up and dancing around because it is one of those songs that you can jam out to at any age.
Harlem Nights

Harlem Nights is an OG film with an all black cast. Starring the legendary Richard Pryor and Eddie Murphy, this film had me rolling. One of the funniest scenes was when Mrs. Touched by and Angel, Della Reese character fought Eddie Murphy. She beat his ass until she shot off her pinkie toe. Once again, this film has so many old stars.
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

The suppose third and final entry in the Indiana Jones series, Indiana makes one last ride with his dad, who is played by Sean Connery, for the search of the Holy Grail. Nothing will ever top the first one but this one was far better than the second entry. Connery is an added bonus as the story is a vast improvement on the second entry.