Movies That Make You Go Huh Horror #14

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Welcome again to the one and only awful horror movies. The subgenre that keeps on giving. Horror movies is that genre that will have one great movie for every 15 bad movies. I’m here for it as it keeps my wonderful series going. Keep making films that have bad scares and awful plots.

The Devil Inside (2012)

Via: Paramount Pictures

The Devil Inside is complete trash. I don’t understand all the documentary-style or found footage, but it is straight up trash with this film. No one cared about a woman who becomes involved with exorcisms. Somehow this film made $101 million. How the hell did it do that? The film is so bad that even the Devil would’ve stood up, shook his head and said, why the hell you named this shit after me?

Virus (1999)

Via: Universal Pictures

There are many viruses out in the world, but this film is a literal virus to my brain, eyes, and life. Based on a freakin comic book, it’s about a ship that gets taken over or infected by an evil extraterrestrial entity that wants to enslave mankind in cyborg slaves. There are weak as jump scares, very predictable and seems to take from other films and throw it together. I had the stomach flu and that was way more entertaining than this crap film.

Dark Circles (2013)

Via: After Dark Films

Having dark circles under your eyes might be way more entertaining than this. The lack of sleep might be more fun than watching this film. The film seems to be the same exact storyline as other horror films. Couple moves into a new home. Wife starts seeing things while husband thinks wife is crazy. Shit happens and everyone almost ends up dead. The film should get the “at least you tried” cake. Once again, might go the having dark circles form under my eyes than watching this film.

One Missed Call (2008)

Via: Warner Bros

Here we go again with another remake of a Japanese film that failed miserably at the movies and was absolutely terrible. Hollywood, stop making remakes of great Japanese horror films. You are starting to have a track record of it not working. This film was bland, pitiful and had no scares. Honestly, missing a call from your mother would be far scarier than this awful film.

Homecoming (2009)

Via: Animus Films

I haven’t been to my own high school or college homecoming in years. This film will make you either want to miss it or attend it to see how it is. The film follows a boring student couple who go to their homecoming. After some type of obsession, the film makes you wish that you didn’t even attempt to watch it. For your own sanity, go to your homecoming, drink and have a ton of fun.

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