Movie Quotes #8

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Damn, I love a great action movie quote that makes you want to go through a freakin wall. I have some great ones for you today. How about a quote from 300 where you will hold them and they will die. How about rolling with John McClane and his famous quote. You have to love Roddy Piper and him chewing bubble gum. 

“This Is Where We Hold Them. This Is Where We Fight. This Is Where They Die.” And “Persians! Come and Get Them” – Leonidas, 300 (2006)

Via: Warner Bros

This was one of the most badass moments in film history. If you didn’t get pumped from hearing Leonidas as the Persian army was about to charge then you had no business being a Spartan. Any military leader would cry tears of joy from this speech because one they are about to hold their position and two, they about to kill a lot of people. The Spartans were the hardest muthafuckas on earth and this one scene had two quotes

“Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker.” – John McClane, Die Hard (1988)

Via: 20th Century Fox

One of the best action movies in movie history. Die Hard might be a Christmas movie but that is for another day to discuss. This is one of the most iconic quotes in movie history. After killing several of Hans Gruber’s men, McClane talks to Hans on the radio. When Gruber labels him an American cowboy, McClane drops this AMAZING line. What a great line from a great movie.

“I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass… and I’m all out of bubblegum.” – Nada, They Live (1988)

Via: Universal Pictures

John Carpenter has directed a lot of movies from Halloween to The Thing. When he teamed up with wresting legend Roddy Piper, he made a strange film but also one of the greatest movie quotes. In the film, Nada discovers a pair of sunglasses that reveals a world where aliens infiltrated human society and other weird shit. Nada arms himself with a shotgun, rolls up into a bank and drops the epic line. One of the best lines ever!

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