Dune: Part 2 (2024)

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Read Time8 Minute, 20 Second
Via: Warner Bros

Rating: 5 out of 5

Yo! Yoooo! YOOOOOOOOOO!!! Dune: Part 2 is a phenomenal film. Holy shit, was this film great, and I am excited to share my thoughts with you. Denis Villeneuve concluded his epic tale of the Dune novel by Franke Herbert. With a stellar cast, incredible scenery, a musical score that will make your body ache with excitement, and a story that will bring you into the world, Villeneuve aid f-it, pushed all his chips in the middle of the table and laid out one of the best and extraordinary sci-fi film that will rank among one of the best ever. Frank Herbert is looking down from the heavens and smiling brightly because the world he created was one that everyone can see and enjoy.

Before I get started, I have only two issues with this film that didn’t make it almost perfect. First, I wanted to hear, “He who controls the spice, controls the universe.” That was an iconic line from the first movie. It sets the tone for how vital spice is in the Dune universe. Secondly, the movie is a little long. Clocking in at 2 hours and 46 minutes, the film will take a nice little chunk out of your schedule, but it is well worth it.

Via: Warner Bros

With the bad out of the way, let’s discuss this film. Dune: Part 2 picks up right after the first movie, and shit has gotten real and intense for Paul Atreides (Chalamet) and Lady Jessica (Ferguson). There are many elements in this film, and I’ll touch upon all of them. The film mainly explores what Paul is going through in his accent to being the leader of the Fremen, along with his quest to get revenge for his father’s death. Paul is at odds with himself and the prophecy he must accept. Paul wants to avenge his father, but he has strange and vivid dreams that he will bring death and destruction to the entire universe and world of Arrakis. His dream plays on his decisions as he refuses to go South and rather fight. He is pulled into two directions.

On one side is Chani (Zendaya), who doesn’t believe in the prophecy. She comes to care and love about Paul, but even within her, she loves her people far more and sees the path Paul is going down. On the other side is Paul’s mother and Stilgar. Stilgar believes in the prophecy. Homeboy is like Morpheus from The Matrix. Every time Paul does something grand, he says it was destined in the prophecy. Lady Jessica goes on the path of moving Paul up into godhood. First, she doesn’t want to be the Reverend Mother, but when she drinks the Water of Life and sees the future along with talking to her baby that is inside her belly, both of them set on a path of convincing everyone that Paul is the new god of the world and universe.

On the other side of the coin are the Harkonnens. Shit gets real with them. The Harkonnens try to reclaim complete control of the spice trade on Arrakis, but Glossu Rabban Harkonnen seems to need help. When Baron Vladimir Harkonnen had enough of Glossu’s failure, he called upon his other nephew, Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen (Butler), to get the job done. Feyd-Rautha is straight-up insane and a beast. Dude gives zero fucks about anyone and the scene when he has Glossu kiss his boot is insane.

Via: Warner Bros

Finally, we have Princess Irulan (Pugh), the Emperor’s daughter, who believes that Paul is alive and wants to know that he is dead. She even sees the trifling of the Bene Gesserit with how they run the show by having the women get knocked up to ensure the lines keep going and how they actually planned the downfall of House Atreides. Let me say this, Christopher Walken as Shaddam IV, the Padishah Emperor of the Known Universe, was cool, but homeboy looked like he just woke up from a nap. He also didn’t do too much Walken acting. He was cool, but what I didn’t like was how he had feelings about destroying House Atreides. If you loved them, you should’ve said so.

As you read, there is a ton of drama and backstabbing in this film, but what really propels it is Paul’s accent and all the action. Villeneuve made sure and perfectly placed high-stakes scenes throughout the film to keep your attention on it, making it go fast. When Paul called the sandworm, that muthasucka was freakin HUGE, but watching him ride it was awesome. We also see Paul fighting with Chani throughout the film. The scene when they first destroyed the spice collector was fantastic because it was intense. When the film introduced Feyd-Rautha, you saw how insane he was. The scene was beautifully done because I thought everyone was pasty as people, but it was because of their black sun.

I want to talk about the ending because that shit was unreal. First, the whole thing with Paul drinking the Water of Life. Homeboy theme song should’ve been ASAP Ferg’s “New Level.” When he gained the power, he had a whole new swag about him and wasn’t afraid anymore. He rolled up in that temple and called out everyone and dared them to try him. The battle scene with the sandworms was crazy. The scene when Paul rolled up and took control was crazy. The fight scene between Paul and Feyd-Rautha was where it was at. The film built up to that moment, and it didn’t disappoint. Rather than some pitiful knife fight, this one was brutal and intense. Two ferocious lions at the height of their powers going after each other. All were simply brilliant and excellent.

Via: Warner Bros

Let’s talk about the freakin visuals and scenery. OMG, were they off the chain and good. You know what, you might as well give the Academy Award to them now and not wait a second because they already won it. The visuals are the highlight. Hell, the opening scene, when the Harkonnen tries to ambush, and they have to float up the mountain, is insane. From that point, whoever did the visuals went HARD. I would watch the whole movie of just the scenery and visuals alone because they are that good.

You might as well give Hans Zimmer the Academy Award also. Dude went HARD IN THE MUSICAL PAINT! I don’t know what happened or what was up with Zimmer, but it seemed like he listened to what he created in the first part of Dune and sat back and said, “How the f can I make this even more epic?” He must have thought of a tune because he delivered pure perfection after that. Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, and everyone else who ever made scores must be crying with joy right now because it was terrific. It hit at the right moment during scenes. Bravo, Hans Zimmer, Bravo. If I ever want a movie made, I want you to write the score.

Yo! How about that acting? That shit was off the chain with some standout performances. First, Timothée Chalamet raised his game with his performance as Paul. He showed a boy who was conflicted in the beginning to one who wanted power and showed it. Then we have Zendaya, who brought it. People were disappointed with the first film because she was only in it for about 10 minutes. In this one, she showed Chani as a badass woman who questioned all. She also showed the betrayal and disgust in her eyes towards the film’s end.

Via: Warner Bros

Let’s take a moment for Rebecca Ferguson as Lady Jessica. She needs to be nominated for this role. She hit a whole new level for her character when she drank the Water of Life. She went from a meek mother to a badass QUEEN. Ferguson showcased her range from her conversations with her baby to commanding others. Damn, she was amazing to watch. I also want to give credit to Austin Butler for his performance as Feyd-Rautha. Butler still has a minor accent, but he showcases the raw ruthlessness and insanity of his character. I also want to take a second and talk about Javier Bardem as Stilgar. You should know that the memes have descended upon the world. As a man who had all faith in Paul, the Lisan Al Gaib is here was a little much. Paul sneezes, Stilgar says it is part of the prophecy. Paul wakes up from a name. Stilgar says it is part of the prophecy. Paul runs across the sand and trips. Stilgar says it is part of the prophecy, and the Lisan Al Gaib is here. It was funny to watch as he did it so much throughout the movie. Finally, I love me some Florence Pugh. Damn, she is beautiful and a fantastic actress. Even though she didn’t have a massive part in this film, she made the most of it when she was on screen. I hope she is in Dune Messiah because she plays a significant part in that film.

Go watch Dune: Part 2. It is one of the best sci-fi films we had in a long time. The visuals are outstanding. The music by Hans Zimmer goes hard. The story will draw you in and keep your attention. As Stilgar said throughout the film, the Lisan Al Gaib is here. Go watch and remember, “He who controls the spice, controls the universe.”

Via: Warner Bros
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