Year: 2013
Genre: Action, Dark comedy, Supernatural
Episodes: 10
Rating: 3.75 out of 5
We all have a secret desire that some of our family might think it’s strange. No matter how weird it is, we want to be left alone or have our friends know about it. Sometimes we won’t let our family know about it because we love it so much. For example, anime is very much enjoyable for me. I love everything about it. I use to be the kid who powered up like Goku from DBZ. I would always say, “Those who laid eyes on a Gundam shall not live to tell about it” and wished I had my own personal Gundam. I even had loads of Gundam Wing action figures. Toonami was the place to be for me. From the time I got out of school until about dinner, Toonami was the place for me. I finally found friends at school who would watch the same shows at me, but I was always a little embarrassed to state anything. We would even play the Pokemon card game. I also read many mangas.
Through all of this, I have grown to love anime and find people who accept it. I go to comic book conventions and really enjoy it. My mom even goes with me, which was a surprise. Yet she told me that the reason she went is because it was something I love, and it was something that makes me special. Thanks, mom.
Blood Lad is a story about Staz, who is a powerful vampire but also loves the human world in the context of Japanese culture. Yet, his family seems to get in his way of true happiness when he tries to find a way to help out a girl.

Blood Lad follows the story of Staz. Staz is a powerful vampire that controls one of the territories in the Demon World. Staz is a unique vampire as he has swayed away from his vampire ancestors. He chooses not to prey on humans. He would rather live his life living the Japanese lifestyle, reading manga, watching anime, and playing video games.
One day, Staz’s dream comes true when Fuyumi Yanagi, a Japanese high school girl from the human world, accidentally ends up in the Demon World through a portal that was left open. As Staz and Fuyumi are talking, their meeting is cut short when a demon challenges Staz for his territory. Staz, upset of being interrupted, leaves Fuyumi behind to handle the situation. While away, Fuyumi is eaten and killed by a carnivorous plant and turns into a ghost.
Staz takes responsibility and pledges to help bring her back to life. As Staz tries to figure out how he can bring back Fuyumi, he must face a variety of demons along with his big brother Braz, who Staz has a tumultuous relationship with. Will Staz find a way to bring back Fuyumi, or will he get caught up in the politics of the demon world?
Blood Lad is that anime that is really good and funny but wants you wanting more. For it being a “horror” anime, it is way more comedic and carefree. It is an anime that draws upon other anime series that will make you laugh if you know the source of the anime. The story is pretty good. The characters are all interesting and funny. Yet, the biggest problem of this whole anime is the length. It will leave you wanting more but abruptly stops after 10 episodes.

The story is that one area that is almost two-fold. One storyline deals with Staz as he tries to help resurrect Fuyumi. The other storyline deals with Staz and his family, along with trying to stay out of everyone else business. These two stories are split and then become entwined as we watch. For the first half, how is it the first female human girl you ever meet gets eaten alive? Great hospitality, I must say. Staz and Fuyumi go on the adventure. On the adventure, they meet many characters that Staz tries his hardest to avoid. Whether it is his brother that experimented on him, his crazy little sister, or his friend Wolf, the characters seem to be strange but in a good way.
What actually makes the story are the subtle but iconic references to other anime. Since Staz is obsessed with Japanese Otaku culture, he almost seems to reference a lot of it. His room is filled with manga or anime collector items. He knows all the famous lines and seems to draw upon them. The best part of the whole anime is when he is fighting against Frankenstein’s creation. He powers up like in Dragon Ball Z. When he is about to attack, he even tries doing a Kamehameha. It is one of the funniest and craziest scenes to watch. Why is this the best? Every person who has watched anime has tried to mimic some character they love. It shows the fandom of anime. Nothing to be ashamed of.
Another area that the anime does so well is the fighting scenes. They are well-paced, but most importantly, they are freakin short. Rather than some anime series (I’m looking at you Dragon Ball series and Bleach), that seems to last like 20 episodes (i.e., Goku taking a full episode to power up and then another to throw 3 punches), this one last for minutes. It seems like the creators said, we have an ultra-powerful person and a weak person fighting. The fight should last maybe 5 minutes. We get the 5 minutes and move on. This made it feel like we can have more fights but more entertainment. Thank you for not over exaggerating the fights.

The characters and their development could’ve been done better. With only ten episodes, you really didn’t have a chance to really know some characters. Yes, Staz is the main character, and seeing his life is great. He is fun and lazy but also a leader and an excellent character. Fuyumi, as the female character, is also pretty good as she tries to handle her new life. She seems to balance out Staz and Wolf. Yet, as more and more characters are introduced, they seem to become background noise to the actual anime. Some are introduced, and you have no idea of their purpose or reason for being in the anime. With an anime that deals with werewolves, demons, and vampires, it would’ve been better to spend time learning somethings that really drives them. We know the basics like Wolf, not being a pure-blood werewolf, so that is why he rebels, but other characters seem to be a tad bit lost. Like how did each person gain their territory and grow it?
Blood lad is one of those anime series that is really quick to watch and enjoyable. It is an anime that will make you laugh if you know other anime series. Staz is, by far, one of the best and coolest characters around. The only problem is that the anime is very short, and it seems like it doesn’t end properly. With only ten episodes, it does give you a good anime laugh.