Rating: 5 out of 5
The Empire Strikes Back is the best of any of the Star Wars films, hands down. The only movie that comes close in the series to matching it is the original. The Empire Strikes Back is by far one of the best sequels ever made in film history. In the original film, we meet all the characters and get this epic lovefest at the end……blah! As the title states, the Empire strikes back with a vengeance! You blow up my space station, and you think there isn’t going to be any consequences. This film is darker and has even more despair as the villains take control of this film and have one of the biggest twists in film history.

The first 30 minutes of this film set the entire tone of the film. This film is appropriately titled because the Empire definitely strikes back in the hardest way possible. First, let’s talk about how Luke gets captured. How does he get caught by some Yeti type creature? The thing popped out of nowhere and captured Luke pretty quickly. Luckily for him, Han found him and stuck him in his dead Tauntaun mount. That is just NASTY, and you know it was funky up in there.
The movie truly excels is with the battle scenes. Gone were the space fights in the first movie and were replace with ground warfare. The Empire said to hell with this in space fighting, let us show you what type of force we really are working with. They launch a large-scale attack using AT-AT walkers to capture the base. These things are beyond massive and just visually stunning to look at. That whole battle was great because it showed more of the power of the Empire.

The film does a GREAT job of expanding on the last film and introducing the ways of the force. How does the film do this???? You present one of the best Jedi Knights ever in Master Yoda. Now when I first saw Yoda, a long, long, long time ago, I was like who is this green dude, and he is a master? Yet, Yoda is a boss. When he is first introduced, he plays the dumb little green creature, but as he starts training Luke, he begins dropping some superior knowledge in that backward speech he does. Plus, Luke is even more of a little pain in this film. Always saying things like are impossible or too big.

This film should be dedicated to one man, and that man is Darth Freakin’ Vader! Darth Vader was intimidating in the first film, but in this film, Lucas seemed to let go of the gloves and show the world how cruel Vader can actually be. Homeboy was force choking EVERYONE! If you were an admiral, then you wouldn’t be an admiral by the end of the film. Vader didn’t have any time for any failure. Also, the dude straight up blocked those blaster shots like it was nothing. The look on Han’s face told it all. I will say this when Vader had his helmet off, dude needed some lotion and some tanning oil. Looking beyond pale underneath that mask.

The most excellent scene of the whole movie was the fight between Luke and Vader. Visually, it was impressive because it was pitch black with that orangish glow behind them. You just knew it was about to be an epic battle. The fight was pretty one-sided as Vader handed Luke a whippin’ that no man should ever receive. Vader fought Luke one-handed sometimes and then used the power of the force to just add insult to injury. The biggest insult was when he cut off Luke’s hand. That was a boss move and pretty insane. Man showed him what it truly means to be a SITH LORD!! The biggest twist of all was finding out someone is your daddy. The fight is truly Impressive. Most Impressive.
Out of all the Star Wars movies, The Empire Strikes Back is the best film. This is what a sequel should be. The first movie should show the setup and the heroes winning, but the second movie should show how the villains strike back. Empire is the Darth Vader homecoming that everyone should see and watch because he took his game to the next level with the force choke. Introductions of Yoda and other characters add to the overall story. Great movie!