Prison School

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Read Time7 Minute, 17 Second

Year: 2015

Genre: Sex, Comedy

Episodes: 12

Rating: 4.5 out of 5

We have all been through schooling. Besides some classes and subjects, school is more like a prison than anywhere else. Don’t get me wrong, I liked a few of my classes, and then there are some where time would drag on so slow that it was sometimes unbearable. Just think about it for a second; we all go to different classes: our little cells. Then we have chow time with the general population where we talk to other kids and learn new things. Depending on what level you are at in school, you will get recess, which is pretty much rec time. Yet, after school, we are free to go back to our loving parents, only to return the net day to do our duties as inmates. However, school can be an exciting time. Let’s not forget college—the best time ever for people with very few responsibilities.

Prison School is a funny, crazy, highly sexualized anime that features 5 teenage boys who are the first to be enrolled in an all-girls private school. They are outcasts when a very lewd event causes them to be punished by spending a month in a prison type facility in the middle of the school grounds. They are tasked with hard labor as a couple of girls try to make them leave for another school. Quite a crazy show.


Via: Funimation

Hachimitsu Private Academy is one of the most prestigious all-girls boarding school located on the outskirts of Tokyo. The academy has a reputation for giving the best education in the known area. The academy has recently been unrooted with a significant change that will shake the academy to its very core. The school has decided to admit boys to the academy. 

As the new semester begins, five boys have been accepted to the academy. Kiyoshi Fujino is one of the new boys admitted to the academy. He discovers that his four other friends, Takehito “Gakuto” Morokuzu, Shingo Wakamoto, Jouji “Joe” Nezu, and Reiji “Andre” Andou, have also been accepted to the university. The boys believe it is a sexual dream as girls’ ratio to boys is 200 to 1—a dream for any horny teenage boy.

With any new school, the boys are quickly cast away like they have some type of disease. Looking to make an important first impression but unable to decide to do the unthinkable……… peeping into the girls’ bath! The boys are quickly caught and tied to posts like they are about to be burned at the stake. Their punishment is handed down from the legendary Underground Student Council. The decision handed down is to lock the boys up for a month in prison located in the middle of the academy, along with doing some very, very, very hard labor. Will the boys survive, or will they ultimately have to leave the academy?


Via: Funimation

I am not going to lie, but this anime is one of the BEST and FUNNIEST anime series I have seen in a good while. I have never laughed so hard at all the craziness, sexual content, and misunderstanding in my life. The story is funny, the characters are truly exceptional, and everything about this anime is really outstanding. I wish there was a season 2 because it is one of the best.

When I first saw this anime come on my streaming service, I put it off because I thought it was going to be stupid, and it is pretty ridiculous but in a fun way. I remember starting the first episode, and within 10 minutes, I turned it off because it showed five boys being sent to prison. When I gave it another chance and tried to watch, I found out that this anime is hilarious and entertaining.

The story is simple but yet crazy. It starts off with five male students going to an all-girls school because of some new rule to have boys attend. The boys are outcast, but as usual, they need to see some girls naked. They hatch a plan to see then naked while the girls take showers, only to be caught. They are sentenced by the Underground Student Body, who have built a prison on the school’s grounds. The boys must do hard labor. The goal is for them to do their time and get out of prison, but each time they try to escape, something insane happens.

Via: Funimation

Now with boys and girls, the sexual content and innuendo are off the charts. The girls wear short skirts and somehow always end up in sexual situations that are beyond inappropriate, but it is funny. Actually, the boys end up in inappropriate situations also. One example was when Kiyoshi and Gakuto end up in the shower together in a sexual position and then get caught. I have never laughed so hard. The whole situation between Kiyoshi and Hana is insane. Hana gets the worse of everything for no reason. She is the definition of the wrong place at the wrong time. Kiyoshi accidentally pees on her, and she starts a fetish, and then he calls her private parts Medusa. The back and forth between them is genuinely crazy. Another aspect that is beyond sexual but funny in this show is the whole concept that Kiyoshi presented about why he is a butt man and why butts are the most important thing to a man. While trying to get an extension for the boys to get reinstated to the school, he had to present to the school’s principal why butts are more important. Why did he go this way?? The principal had pictures and was in love with butts. The long-winded answer that Kiyoshi is both informative and funny.

Via: Funimation

The characters are OUTSTANDING in this anime. My favorite character is Takehito Morokuzu, aka Gakuto. Gakuto is one of the main reasons this anime is so great and goes. He is so loyal to Kiyoshi that he goes to extreme measures to protect his friends. He usually speaks in an old fashion way but is highly eccentric and refers to himself in the third person. He has an otaku interest in the Three Kingdoms, and to watch him sacrifice one of his toys will make you feel so bad. The one scene that will have you laughing is when he needs to download something in class, and he decides the best way to distract the class is by pooping himself in class. Kiyoshi Fujino is the main character and does a great job as the main character. The story revolves as he doesn’t get caught at first and strikes up a friendship with Chiyo. The anime follows him as he tries to get closer to Chiyo along with Hana trying to get to him. It is crazy. 

Via: Funimation

As for the Underground Student Body is also genuinely insane. Out of all of them, the one that is the most important is Meiko Shiraki. Meiko is the towering bespectacled vice president of the underground student council. She is the one who is put in charge of watching over the boys while they are in prison. The girl is a giant while being the strongest student in the school and proficient in Judo. Meiko is a harsh disciplinarian over the boys and often punishes them for the slightest infraction. Gakuto is a popular target of her punishment. She has a truly BIG sweating problem while exercising and will do anything to please Mari by doing pullups with her fingertips.

The animation of this series is also something to look at. How it changes styles with each scene that the characters do. One minute it could be colorful and cheery, and then when something happens and it turns dark. The best example is with character expressions. The way they change and the tone of colors with it is truly something to see and behold.

Prison School is one of my favorite anime series. It is a fun and entertaining anime. The characters of this anime are hilarious to watch, especially Gakuto. He should be on someone’s list of all-time funny and loyal characters. This anime’s story is simple, but it gets to the point across in a humorous and entertaining way. Watch this anime and truly laugh but be warned it will be extremely sexual at times.

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