Rating: 4 out of 5
I remember watching the Bourne Identity when it first came to theaters. I was seventeen at the time and really didn’t know anything about it. Actually, now that I think about it, I really don’t know why I went and saw the film in the first place. Walking out of the theater, I felt that it was a different kind of spy movie. It took me a while to understand the plot because it really didn’t feel at all like a spy movie at all. I felt like it was preparing for something more. I did see the sequels to this film, but those will be saved for different reviews.
Many years later, I watched the Bourne Identity many times over, but I made one fatal mistake. I actually read the book, and holy shit, was it amazing. I know you probably heard this by now when people state that the movie is nothing like the book. Well, this movie is NOTHING like the book. The book actually has a villain, and it goes way deeper than the film does, along with different situations. I even have every book in the series because I was so entertained. Sorry, getting off track. The film does a great job setting up the atmosphere of a great spy thriller film.

From the novel of the same name and written by Robert Ludlum, the film starts on a stormy night in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. A fishing boat sees a flashing light and pulls a young man out of the sea. The fishing crew wonder if the young man is dead, bring him to the doctor. The doctor pulls two bullets from the man’s back and a miniature laser device that was in his hip. The laser reveals a specific set of numbers that resemble a Swiss bank account number. As the doctor examines the bullets who soon finds out the man isn’t dead and has no memory of who he is. After a few weeks at sea, the man is dropped off in Zurich and goes to the bank to search for clues. While alone in the bank vault, the man discovers that his deposit box has many different passports, all with his picture, a huge pile of money, and a firearm. While looking through the passports, the man decides to take the name, Jason Bourne. Jason wanders to the U.S. Embassy, looking for more clues into who he is until he is attacked by people who want to kill him. He soon learns that he is part of a world and organization that deals in espionage.
When watching this film, you really need to realize that this is not your ordinary spy. If you are looking for the 007-James Bond type, then Jason Bourne is not it. James Bond is suave, charming, has the uses of gadgets, and seems to be able to get out of any situation. Jason Bourne is the exact opposite in terms of style. He is a man of extreme skills and realizes his situation the second he walks through the door. That is what is great about the character because he doesn’t need all the fancy cars and gadgets. He is all skills and training.

The Bourne Identity is a different kind of spy thriller. Actually, when I first saw it, it reminded me of that 1996 film, The Long Kiss Goodnight starring Geena Davis. In that movie had the same premise where a spy lost their memory, and people track them down. This review is on the Bourne Identity. What is great about this film and the story with the feeling and sense of not knowing anything. We meet the main character floating in an ocean until he is rescued by a fishing crew. When he comes to, he has some type of device in his body, and he forgot everything. He has no memory of who he is. At first, why would he care who he is?
This is what the movie does so well; it gives us a slow build into some of the background and unraveling of the character. We start learning about the character and who he is just as he does. We never fully understand who he is, but we are given massive clues that he is no ordinary person. When he is back on land in Germany, he is chilling on a bench, trying to get some sleep because he has nowhere else to go. When two police officers come by and tell him to move on, we first see that he knows German, and second, he beats them with such ease that it looks like he didn’t even break a sweat. The biggest clue is the way he handled the gun. You saw in his eyes and posture that he has handled a weapon before.
From this point on, we are taken on an extreme journey of learning who this person is. That is the coolest aspect of the whole movie. When we think we know who he is, we soon find out we really don’t know anything at all. He goes to the back, and we see that he has a lot of money but seems to not care about it but also has more passports than anyone else. Each one has a different name, but he settles on Jason Bourne. We find out that he can drive any car in a high-speed chase and whip some major ass, as he can feed off an assassin with a freakin pen. We learn he can speak different languages with ease and always seem on edge. He is like the perfect weapon but with no memory of it, and it is GREAT.

As we learn with Jason Bourne on figuring out who he is, the movie shows us that he is a spy. How does the film explain this? We see on the other side with the CIA headquarters in Langley. We are introduced to Conklin, Bourne’s handler, and Conklin’s boss, Abbott. They don’t know what is going on as Abbott explains that a $30 million weapon has completely gone off the handles, and they are in the dark thinking that he has turned. What is their solution?? To send a group of CIA killers around the world after him. When we see the CIA side of the film, we start putting the pieces together and really wonder who Jason Bourne is.
I want to say that Matt Damon was an excellent choice for Jason Bourne. Some roles are made for people, and Matt Damon is by far Jason Bourne. He was so believable as the character showing his fear of not understanding who he was to being in absolute control of any situation.
Honestly, just like the iconic music that James Bond has, “Extreme Ways” by Moby can definitely be the theme song of Jason Bourne. Now, I’ll admit, I don’t know the lyrics of the song, but those first five seconds are well done as you know, this is a Jason Bourne film.
What I say is a downside of the film was the ending. The film could’ve stopped right there with no sequels added. Actually, I thought this was a true one and done spy film. The ending seemed done as Jason and Marie seemed happy at the end when everything looked officially over. Besides that, the film is a great spy thriller.
The Bourne Identity is the start of a great spy movie. As someone who read the books, the film does its best to keep your attention. The aspect of the main character, not knowing who he is along with us learning information about him as he does, is done really well. Watch this film, and the sequels or as many characters say……..”That’s Jason Bourne!”