Year: 2020
Genre: Fantasy, Gods, Mythology
Episodes: 8
Rating: 5 out of 5
Greek Mythology is filled with stories of Greek gods and heroes. On one side, you have the Greek Gods that stood tall on Mount Olympus. There was Zeus, the king of the gods and one who spread his seed to almost every female he set his eye on. His loving but jealous wife Hera, whose temper was not to be crossed at all. The other gods that are always talked about were Poseidon-God of the Sea, Apollo- God of the Sun, Ares-God of War, Athena, Aphrodite, Hades, and many others. There are so many Greek gods, it is hard to keep track of them.

Overall, Greek mythology was the reality TV of Greek time back in the day. If you wanted some save that drama for your mama stories, then listen to some Greek mythology. It was Greek heroes versus a Greek God. It always made for great entertainment. First, there were the tales of Hercules and his fight with his stepmother, the Greek Goddess Hera. If you need some visuals, watch the iconic TV show starring Kevin Sorbo, Hercules, and the Legendary Journey. Then you had Perseus and his fight against Medusa. What about Jason and his Argonauts finding the golden fleece. Every hero has some type of tale that expands their story.
Now one of the common themes that go on is Zeus’ infidelity towards the goddess Hera. Zeus could not keep his manhood under his toga. Zeus had more baby mamas that he could have started an NFL team on his own. This would send Hera in a frenzy who always conspired to kill his children or his mistress.
Blood of Zeus is a tale of one of Zeus’ children named Heron, who has to save Olympus and Earth from a force that could change the Greek world forever. On one side is the rise of a plague caused by the titans, and on the other side is Zeus’ jealous wife Hera, who has had enough of Zeus’ baby mama drama and children that he has. Heron must save both worlds and rise to godhood.
The world of Greek mythology is filled with stories of the gods and heroes.

Zeus and the fellow gods defeated the mighty titans that ruled the world. As the last titan fell, its blood produced a new evil of giants. As the war raged on, Zeus, with the other gods’ help, managed to gain the upper hand and seal the giants in a magical pot. With the giants defeated, the gods rule the world.
Set in the world of Greek mythology, a commoner named Heron lives in the village with his mother under a constantly cloudy sky. The peace in the village is quickly at risk when demons invade the village. Heron saves his mother until the secret of her past comes out. She was once the lover of the king of the gods, Zeus. Heron soon learns that he is the demigod son of Zeus, and he is the only one that can save Mount Olympus from the threat.
Blood of Zeus is one of Netflix’s best anime series that they have produced. It is on Devilman Crybaby’s level in terms of animation, style, storyline, characters, and everything else you can think of. If you want some family drama, jealousy, and gore, this anime has it all, and it is fun to watch.

This anime takes Greek mythology to a new level with its gore and artistic style but presents it in a very understandable way. First, we get a snippet of how the gods came into power against the titans. If most people don’t know, the titans ruled the Earth before Zeus, and his siblings defeated them. The story takes a minor turn when the last titan fell. Its blood created giants that the gods waged an endless war against until ultimately winning. Where the story becomes excellent is that it plays on the topic of one of the many affairs Zeus has during his godhood. Even though Zeus is married to Hera, he has a major wandering eye and sleeps around. It’s one thing to cheat, but to cheat against Hera, who is known for her jealously and wrath, is another thing. In this tale, we meet one of Zeus’ offspring named Heron, who must save Olympus from the dangers of an enemy who has drunk the giants’ blood. What is also great is that we see the wrath of Hera. She is fed up with Zeus’ shit and takes it upon herself to find a way to kill the mighty god. There is so much drama in this anime that it is incredible.
This anime plays on a child that Zeus had named Heron. Now it seems like all of Zeus’ children need to save the day. This anime is no different. A kid is an outcast and doesn’t know why and then when danger comes, he finds out he is a god and must save the world. Damn Zeus, you always having your demigod kids save the day. Hercules, Perseus, and now Heron. Do your kids ever meet each other or team up?

We always see Hera in the light of being evil (i.e., Hercules and the Legendary Journey), but I might have to side with her just a little bit in this one. She should teach her man a lesson because he does fool around a lot, and it makes her look bad, but to release demons on the world is taking it to a new level for revenge. I like how there is so much backstabbing between the gods. You have Hera on one side and Zeus on the other, and the gods must choose which side to be on. The two wild cards to me were Poseidon, who is very reluctant to join and wants to keep the rules enforced. Then there is Hades at the end, who you know will be up to something in the future. I like how the anime makes it simple for the gods to kill each other, and they are not immortal or even that supreme because many of them die. Zeus almost died from his throat being slit and then exploded during his battle.
One of the major highlights of this anime is the animation and the use of colors. The animation is superb and one of the best I have seen. The titans are drawn with this stary light and universal color scheme, which is eye-catching. The way the gods are drawn is so well done that you have to marvel at them. They do look god-like. Hera is always drawn with this purple aura as her eyes are purple. Zeus is drawn with this golden or blue aura. Each god is drawn with such a distinct color scheme as in Area is black and red.
The voice acting of this anime was great also. Jason O’Mara just sounded like a mighty Zeus. His voice carried authority but also care as he loved every woman he had a child with. Claudia Christian, as Hera, was truly scary. Her voice was seductive and manipulative, but it also commanded respect and honor. Derek Phillips as Heron was good, but he had this whiny voice about him. If I found out I was part god, I would roll with it and have my ticket to Olympus in a hurry.
I don’t want to give out too much because this anime is fantastic. The animation, storyline, depiction of the gods, and gore are all well done. If you are looking for a new way to show one of Zeus’ affairs, this is the anime that shows it. Get ready for some major family drama. Great job, Netflix, on stepping up your anime game! I am looking forward to season 2.