Year: 2021
Genre: Action, Demons, Historical, Shounen, Supernatural
Episodes: 26
Rating: 5 out of 5
I usually write this start when I see an anime that I think is or can be one of the best anime series ever. Ladies and Gentlemen, I have another anime that might be one of the best that I have ever seen, and that is this anime right here. If you want to see an anime with a great story, then this one is it. The animation in this anime is AMAZING. The battle and fight scenes are TOP NOTCH. All the characters are funny, great, and have their own reasons for doing what they do. They are all fun to watch. This anime right here has the potential to be an all-time great and top 10 anime.

In Taishō-era Japan, Tanjiro Kamado is a loving, intelligent, kind-hearted, nose like a wolf and head as hard as diamond, lives with his family that consists of his sisters, brothers, and mother in the mountains. Tanjiro works and provides for his family after his father’s death by making trips to the village to sell charcoal. On his return trip from the village, Tanjiro gets a whiff of blood in the air. Fearing the worse, Tanjiro rushes home. Here his world completely changes as his family has been attacked and killed by an unknown demon. Tanjiro believes he is the only survivor when he sees that his sister, the cute Nezuko, has also survived. Tanjiro, trying to save his sister’s life, soon finds out that Nezuko is beginning to show signs of a demon. Not accepting this reality, Tanjiro believes that Nezuko can be saved. As he tries to make his way to a doctor for help, he has a chance but deadly encounter with Giyū Tomioka, a demon slayer. Giyū tries to kill Nezuko only for Tanjiro to stop him as best as he can. Giyū notices that Nezuko shows signs of human emotion and thought. Realizing this and going against orders, Giyū decides to recruit Tanjiro and have him be sent to train under his mentor and teacher, Sakonji Urokodaki, to become a member of the Demon Slayer Corps and find a way to save his sister Nezuko. Tanjiro soon learns that demons are former humans who sold their humanity in exchange for power. They feed on humans, possess supernatural abilities, and can only be killed by decapitation. Tanjiro learns special breathing techniques, known as “Breathing Styles,” which grant them superhuman strength and increased resistance. As Tanjiro becomes a demon slayer, he is soon wrapped up in a secret war against demons for centuries. The quest to find the one who turned Nezuko and find a way to change her back to human is all that Tanjiro’s kind soul can think of.

Holy shit!!! Wow!! One of the best anime series I have ever seen. I have seen many anime series, and I still have more than my share in the world. I want to say right now that Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba is by far one of the prettiest anime series I have ever seen, but the storyline, action, and characters are top-notch. Do you know what the saddest part of the anime is?? It ended, and I don’t know when season 2 will be. This is one of the realest and best anime I’ve seen. Welcome to the big leagues’ Demon Slayer, and whoever created you, I applaud you because damn, it was great.
First, I want to talk about how freakin amazing, beautiful, spectacular, and extraordinary the animation of this anime is. It is just distinct and highly noticeable. One of the areas where the animation just becomes the highlight of the anime is when each character does their breathing technique. When Tanjiro used the Water Breathing Technique and showed a skill, it was so beautifully done. The water of the attack just looked so surreal as it seems to flow smoothly and then erupt like a monsoon. When Zenitsu used his Lightning Breathing Technique, I loved how the yellow light erupted around him and his eyes illuminated. I love how each character was drawn in such a unique way that it either matched their personality or technique. A great example of this is the Hahira. You could tell that Kyojuro Rengoku was the Flame Breathing master because his hair was orange and red, and his eyes were the same color. All the villains are drawn in a strange and unique like spiders with pale skin. I like how all the demons have these slits in their eyes. I can go on and on and lose my train of thought, but the animation is freakin amazing!!

You know what is just as impressive as the animation?? The muthafreakin action/sword fighting scenes. The action is just so fluent and smooth and entertaining. There is not one battle where you will sit and go, “That’s a boring battle.” Or “That fight doesn’t look right.” I like how Tanjiro uses the Water Breathing technique but what makes it unique is that there are 11 different forms to this one breathing technique, and each one is entirely different than the next one. Depending on the situation, a different technique can bring a person to victory. Now the best one was when Tanjiro and Nezuko fought against Rui, and they combined their powers in one explosive technique. Freakin Awesome!
Now for the story and season one. I would say that I’ve seen it before. A demon comes and destroys the main character’s family. Only his sister survives but also turns into a demon, and the person is taken in to get stronger to fight and get some type of revenge. What I love about season one and this season is that for one, the training wasn’t just a quick month or two, and Tanjiro learned the techniques. No, dude spent TWO years learning the techniques and trying to cut through a stone that stated he was ready. I found this great because the concept of time actually mattered. I love how the story put some of the people’s past in there. When Tanjiro is training, he learns from Sakonji Urokodaki, but when he stopped, Sabito and Makomo show up to help Tanjiro out so he can become a demon slayer. I love that during the demon slayer’s final test, we learn that Sabito and Makomo are actually dead because of the demon that has lived for over 50 years. Once it is killed, their souls could finally rest, but it added so much emotion to the anime. I also like the different missions in the season as we see everyone progress and why they are demon slayers. Honestly, this is a perfect season where the pacing and storytelling didn’t seem forced or out of place. It just moved at a steady pace where you got to really learn about the characters. I am waiting for season 2 because we can see more of the villains and why the head demon is doing his thing along with more action.

Honestly, I don’t know where to begin with the characters of this fantastic anime. Every one of them is terrific and so compelling to watch. There isn’t one character I didn’t enjoy watching because each one is so unique in their own way, and that is how a great anime does the damn thing. There are way too many characters to talk about, but here are all the main ones for now.
First, there is the mighty Tanjiro. You want to talk about someone who loves their family and will do anything for the family and give people a chance; it’s this dude. Even when his sister turns into a demon, he protects her with all his might and then trains for two freakin years. I love how he is just so kind and loving and has a heart of gold. You want to talk about a person with a thick skull; this dude has one made of titanium. He has endless optimism, and his simple nature is just a joy to watch and be around, even if it puts him at odds with other people. Tanjiro’s cute little sister Nezuko is fantastic. I love her character development after she turned into a demon. Even though she says no words, you see her feelings, and homegirl can kick the shit out of anyone. Even with her bamboo gag to keep her from biting anyone, she is just excellent and still has a heart of gold.
Another character that I love is Zenitsu. He is the complete opposite of what you think a Demon Slayer Corp should be, as he is highly cowardly, but homeboy is an absolute BEAST when he does his Thunder Breathing. Shit goes down when he makes up his mind to fight and get a tad bit serious. I just love her personality and how he tries to get out of everything. On the opposite end of the spectrum is my homeboy Inosuke. Yosuke is an absolute badass who wears a boar’s head and is raised by wild boars. Dude even taught himself his own breathing technique. He is brash and reacts wildly to situations, but homeboy is exceptionally flexible and goes all out in battle no matter what. He is honestly one of my favorite characters.
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba is by far one of the best and most exciting anime series I have seen in a while. It is entertaining. The sword fighting is straight up the best I’ve seen. The animation will make you drool with awe because it is that damn good. Now, all we have to do is wait for season 2.