Villain- The Joker (The Dark Knight)

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Via: Warner Bros.

Hands down, one of the greatest villains ever to grace the screen has to be Heath Legers take on the Joker in The Dark Knight. You want to talk about a psychopathic mastermind who is an agent of chaos, then look no further than this Joker. Ledger took the legendary villain and sent him into a new plane, world and dimension with how scary and insane he made him. Ledger put in the work and made the world know that he will forever be the best version of the Joker with legendary lines and acting.

Via: Warner Bros.

The Joker is one who personality is so far gone that you can’t pinpoint any of it. He has personification of radical nihilism, insanity, and anarchism. He doesn’t view himself as someone that is bad or good but someone who is just on a higher operating plane than anyone else. He is one who is egocentric but what is fascinating is that he is not greedy and has no interest in money or anything else. As Alfred stated, “Well, because he thought it was good sport. Because some men aren’t looking for anything logical, like money. They can’t be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.”

Via: Warner Bros.

One of the fascinating things about the Joker is that you don’t know anything about his backstory. When he is telling the stories about his scars, each story is different and more insane than the other one. He pushes people to their limits and has no fear in blowing up anyone or showing the world that people are selfish in their own way.

Via: Warner Bros.

Yet, what makes the Joker such a compelling character is that he is always in control. Always in control of whatever situation he is in and has no mind-blowing things up. He blows up the hospital after turning Harvey Dent. That scene was crazy as he held the gun but made sure t have his finger on the firing pen, knowing that it will never go off. He has no fear in death. When Batman drove towards him, he stood in the middle of the road and dared Batman to hit him. The beginning back scene is a thing of beauty.

Via: Warner Bros.

Let me finish off by saying this is one of my all-time villain roles. Ledger is beyond amazing and set the standard on what it means to be a superhero villain but also a villain all-together. Ledger won the Best Supporting Actor Award after his untimely death. He will forever live on.

Via: Warner Bros.
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