Fairy Gone

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Read Time6 Minute, 38 Second
Via: P.A.Works

Year: 2019

Genre: Action, Fantasy, Supernatural

Episodes: 24

Rating: 2.5 out of 5


In the words of Peter Pan, do you believe in fairies?? Do you believe in the tooth fairy? How about the world-famous Tinker Bell? Homegirl can make you fly if you believe hard enough. Whether you believe in them or not, they can be magical creatures. What would happen if you could use a fairy as a weapon? Take their organs and have them implanted in you to make you a stronger warrior. Sounds kind of dark. Fairy Gone is an anime where fairies are used as weapons between warring countries.  



Via: P.A.Works

War has officially ended on the continent of Eastald. During the War of Unification, all the nations on the continent are forcefully united under a single ruler. During the war, special soldiers were developed and used by implanting Fairy organs in them, which gave them the ability to summon powerful Fairies to fight under their command. These soldiers were dubbed “Fairy Soldiers” and were used on every side of the war. When the war officially ended, many Fairy Soldiers had nowhere to go, and many lost their purpose. Some began working for the new government, some joined criminal organizations, while some became enemies of the government. Nine years after the war, conflict remains as many soldiers want to go back to the old ways.

To combat the threat of rogue Fairy Soldiers, the government has set up an organization called “Dorothea” with the primary purpose of combating illegal Fairy users. The story begins with Marlya, who is searching for her long-lost childhood friend Veronica. Veronica is known to be an illegal Fairy Soldier working for a criminal organization looking to recover an artifact dubbed the “Black Fairy Tome.” During an auction where Veronica attacks, Marlya has a chance encounter where she gains a fairy of her own. She teams up with veteran Fairy Soldier and Dorothea operative Free with the idea of finding Veronica once again. As Marlya and Free go on missions to stop rogue Fairy Soldiers, they soon learn that there is a plot to overthrow the government once again.



Via: P.A.Works

The plot of the anime is interesting but, in the end, is more meh than anything else. The first season starts off really good, but it becomes repetitive and boring as time goes on. There are so many anime series that revolve around war. There are specially made soldiers who fight and then have nowhere to go after the war ends. Now with this anime, the use of fairies is very interesting because their organs are implanted within soldiers. The soldiers can manifest a fairy with unique abilities and varies from person to person.

The story revolves around Marlya as she is on a mission to track down her long–lost childhood friend Veronica. She manages to become a fairy warrior and teams up with veteran Fairy Soldier and Dorothea operative Free. With most anime like this, there is an organization looking for an artifact that wants to bring about destruction and the old times. It feels like the plot never really gets anywhere when watching this anime. We meet people who have different ideas and then, in the end, see their ways are wrong. We have coups that fail and more people that die in the process. When the second season came around, it felt like each episode was the same. Marlya and Free would inspect a case about the Black Fairy Tome and then meet someone who is far stronger than Free, and they get in a bind. Somehow, they make it out. Also, other characters are beyond strong, and then we get weapons that are supposed to be stronger than anything. After a while, it starts making zero sense.

Via: P.A.Works

Now where the story excels is with the fighting. The fighting is honestly where the story gets going and is the most intriguing. When individuals unleash their fairies, buildings will be destroyed, and people will die. For example, the introduction and fight against Wolfran in episode two was intense. Wolfran was so calm while the others fought against him. Another example was in episode five when Veronica and Marlya team up and fight against some dude that sings. It’s a crazy fight with fairies appearing and fire everywhere. Yet, as the anime goes on, the battles become more meh, and, in the end, everyone has to fight against a big ass fairy.

The animation in this anime is either okay or wanky. It’s okay because it plays off the dark setting and atmosphere. Most colors are dark and dull since the anime has a dark tone. Where the animation falls is when the characters call upon their fairies. The fairies are unique in their own ways, but the CGI used was terrible. I honestly sat and wondered what the freak I was watching because it was awful to watch. It would’ve been better just to you the same drawing pattern that was used during the series.

At times during this anime, the music is one of the highlights. When there is a major fight scene, the music becomes intense. For example, the music in episode two is awesome. It has that upbeat rock vibe to it. It matches the fight between Wolfran and everyone else. In episode three, the music becomes upbeat jazz music playing during a chase scene. Tried to have that Cowboy Bebop vibe to it.

Via: P.A.Works

As far as the characters, some were impressive, and some were forgettable. What I like about them is that many had crossed each other in the past, and we see their effects on each other. First up is Marlya Noel. She is the protagonist and prominent person of the anime. Being a survivor of the Ray Dawn’s massacre, we find out that she was called “little disaster” as both her parents died the day she was born, and the person who raised her afterward also died. Pretty messed up right there. At times she is annoying because she wants to save her friend and I’m like, pay attention to your job. Then there is Free Underbar. He was a soldier from the Unification War who had a fairy organ transplanted into his body, making him a fairy soldier. His fairy is a cool-looking wolf-life fairy. He fights with two long swords, and most of the time, he is getting his ass handed to him. Honestly, I don’t know how he didn’t die in the first three episodes.

Two other characters are prominent in this series. First, there is Wolfran Row. When homeboy came on screen, he was badass. He seemed to be on another level as he rarely took his hands out of his pockets to fight. He used to fight alongside Free Underbar until he turned to becoming a terrorist. The other character is Veronica Thorn. When she first came on the screen, she was violent and didn’t care about anyone. She is a childhood friend of Marlya Noel, who also survived the Ray Dawn massacre. I love how she is a badass assassin and looking for that revenge.

Fairy Gone is one of those anime series that is interesting during the first twelve episodes and then falls flat in the second twelve episodes. Some of the characters are interesting, and some can be forgotten. The storyline is meh and almost seen before. These are not the fairies that one is used to. Give this anime a try and see if you want to have a fairy.

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