Movies That Make You Go Huh? # 2

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Welcome again to the one and only list that describes some of the worst movies of all time. You gotta love awful movies because no matter what, they will bring some emotion in your heart. Can you remember the first movie that you thought was beyond awful? How many bad movies have you seen because I have seen a ton of them? If you need help finding some awful movies, go to the Razzies. They got the best of the best list.

The Last Airbender (2010)

Via: Paramount Pictures

How the hell do you mess up The Last Airbender? Honestly? How the freak do you mess it up? The cartoon tv show is really good along with all the spin-off but this movie right here is a piece of trash that even fire wont burn. Actually, let’s keep this in perspective on how bad this film is. Fire wont burn this piece of trash. Water would split apart like the seas if it came close to it. If it touched the earth, it would melt a hole through it. If you come near it, air would be sucked away from you. That is how awful this movie is.

Batman & Robin (1997)

Via: Warner Bros

There are many terrible superhero films, but Batman & Robin takes the cake. It might honestly be one of the worse superhero films ever made. It is cartoonish, has bright lights galore that might make you vomit and the acting is so pathetic that some people had serious thoughts if the cast could act. You want to know how bad this film was? It almost took ten years after this film for another Batman film to be made. The Christopher Nolan series went in such a different direction that it turned Batman story into a real life thing rather than cartoon.

Kangaroo Jack (2003)

Via: Warner Bros

I have seen some things and Kangaroo Jack is one of the last films I wanted to see in my lifetime. This kangaroo and film should’ve stayed down under. WAY DOWN UNDER!! For a family film, this film doesn’t speak at all of family. The acting? Terrible. Directing? Awful. Writing? Find something new. Humor? Not funny at all. Finally, the innuendoes? Why.

Alexander (2004)

Via: Warner Bros

Alexander the Great was a historical conqueror. Alexander the film is one that conquers and accomplishes nothing.  This film bounces all over the place with time. One second, we see Alexander as a kid in school and then the next an adult fighting some army. The acting was laughable and it seemed like the whole cast didn’t know whether to act or be stay at home. What a disappointment.

Undefeatable (1993)

Via: Whe Europe Limited

The movie is straight awful to watch. The acting is terrible and the storyline is blah. Yet, the movie has one of the BEST fighting scenes ever. It has everything you want in a fighting scene. It has slow motion fighting, laughable dialogue, awful one-liners and more sweat that anyone cared to look at.

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