Movies That Make You Go Huh? Superhero #2

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Welcome back to movies that Make You Go Huh and this time around we are back with bad superhero movies. Not all superhero movies are great and there some that don’t even get off the ground or have a mighty punch. Some of them come along and just fail so bad that you wish you forgot them. Here we go again, some of the world’s worse superhero films.

Fantastic Four (2015)

Via: 20th Century Fox

I don’t know what it is but maybe Fantastic Four shouldn’t be part of superhero movie lore. For some odd reason the Fantastic Four team just seems to fail every single time. For the first family of superheroes, the team seems to not be able to strike anything worthwhile to watch. Disney/Marvel, I know you have it in you to make a great Fantastic Four film. Maybe do like you did with Spiderman and skip the whole origin story.

Elektra (2005)

Via: 20th Century Fox

If you thought Daredevil was bad, you haven’t seen anything yet. Elektra is that film that could’ve been better. Better in what way, you may ask? All of them. Besides Jennifer Garner running around in tight ass red leather, this film could be quickly skipped over. The storyline is boring and made little sense. It’s one of those films where you wonder why it was even made.

Jonah Hex (2010)

Via: Warner Bros

In a world where superhero films are the talk of the town, there are some superheroes that should never see the light of day. One of those heroes is Jonah Hex. Hex is a cynical bounty hunter whose face is horribly scarred on the right side. He is horrible to look at, just like this film. There comes a time when studios need to ask the question: will this hero connect with the world? With Jonah Hex, that answer is a resounding NO.

Green Lantern (2011)

Via: Warner Bros

Oh, the Green Lantern. What is the saying again: “In brightest day, in blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight, Let those who worship evil’s might, Beware my power… Green Lantern’s light!” The light this film needed was to not suck. The CGI is so bad that it’s laughable. The story is worthless. There was a scene when Hal had his mask on, and homegirl realized who it was in an instance. Can’t even hide your secret identity. This movie is so bad that even Ryan Reynolds makes major fun of it in Deadpool.

Supergirl (1984)

Via: Thorn EMI Screen Entertainment

Up, Up and nope! That is the feeling you might get when watching this film. Supergirl the film was campy, lifeless and not entertaining. This film had a lot of people in it that you would think would make it a better movie. Yet, kryptonite came along and stopped this film dead in its tracks. Good thing a TV show came along and redeemed this superhero.

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