Movie Slap: Oliver

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Today’s entry comes from the 1968 musical, Oliver!

From the clip provided by Columbia Pictures comes one of the most distasteful slaps. As always, no man should ever hit a woman. Don’t even think about it. We are just going to call this the “Yes, She Will Take Him” Slap.

We all probably heard of the famous novel Oliver Twist. The whole, “Please sir, I want some more” quote and all that. Well, if you need a refresher, in the 1830s, Oliver grew up in and orphanage and after being sold to a mortician, Olivier throws up the deuces and runs away. He makes his way to the hot streets of London where he meets Fagin, who is the leader of a group of pickpocket children.  

Via: Columbia Pictures

The slap at hand is handed down by the evil and ruthless Bill Sikes to the face of the beautiful and lovely Nancy. When Nancy and Bill get in an argument about whether to kidnap Oliver. I will say this slap was delivered to a man it would be high ranking. Bill has his back turn and homeboy loads up. He uses his body weight and momentum to deliver a slap from hell. Knocked my girl Nancy to the ground.

Slap rating: 4 out of 5 (would be a 5 but delivered to a woman)

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