Villain: John Kramer (Jigsaw)

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Via: Lionsgate

One of the most terrifying villains to appear that I believe is new in the game is John Kramer aka Jigsaw from the Saw franchise. Played beautifully by Tobin Bell, Jigsaw is a person you do not want to be seen by or maybe you do. He is a man that values life and if you don’t, then you will end up in one of his deadly traps. Let me tell you, those traps get way more advance. In the words of Jigsaw, “I want to play a game.”

Via: Lionsgate

John Kramer is a former civil engineer who finds out that he is dying from an inoperable frontal lobe tumor that had developed from colon cancer. During the films, we learn that John tried to commit suicide by driving his car off a bridge. He survives and through this is reborn into Jigsaw. He has a new appreciation for life and dedicated the remaining years that he has on Earth to inspiring the same appreciation in others by testing their will to live. His method of choice is not talking to them but forcing them in a deadly scenario that he refers to as “games” or “tests.” These bad boys are NO JOKE.

With making traps, John is diligent and hard-working. Even though he tests his victims to the fullest, he has a deep distaste for killing and doesn’t consider himself a murderer. He believes that he is helping people truly enjoy and value their lives. When a survivor passes his test, he is shown to be sympathetic, even giving Amanda a second chance to pass. Now he does have a sadistic side as his traps are extremely brutal and will cause you major pain.

Via: Lionsgate

John Kramer aka Jigsaw is a unique villain as he is one who wants people to truly enjoy life. He might despise killing but his test is a killer in their own ways. Value your life or you will end up in one of these infamous traps. If you do, then it is “Game Over!”

Via: Lionsgate
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