Villain: Pazuzu

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Via: Warner Bros.

The Exorcist is by far one of if not the scariest films in all of cinematic history. The film was a straight up game changer. Have you seen the spider walk scene? Straight up creepy. The villain to make this all possible is Pazuzu. Just the name should give you chills. Pazuzu is a powerful demon who was based loosely on a mythological figure native to the Babylonian culture. This demon is considered where he the king of wind demons and son of the Babylonian god Hanbi. In other words, someone you don’t mess around with.

Via: Warner Bros.

In the Exorcist, Pazuzu possess the sweet and innocent Regan. Now Pazuzu face is shown throughout the first half of the film with that creepy white face with razor sharp teeth. He has NOPE written all over him. When Pazuzu posses Regan, she becomes a foul mouth, violent vessel. Homegirl gained the power of a god. As Pazuzu took more control of Regan, Pazuzu nature and foul mouth became evident with behaviors like vigorous masturbation with a crucifix, demanding people to have sex with her, and yelling sexual insults at people.

Via: Warner Bros.

As a demon, Pazuzu is straight up ruthless. He will turn any man’s fears against him and really have them question their faith. When homeboy stated that the Father’s mother was in hell with him, that straight up crossed the line. As a demon, Pazuzu gives ZERO fucks about your feelings. He don’t have time for that and if you are possessed, better call on a great exorcist to save your soul.

Via: Warner Bros.
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