In a career that spanned decades, Vincent Price is a legend in the horror genre. He appeared in more than 100 films. Price has two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, one for motion pictures and one for television. Whether it is playing an evil millionaire or a rat that wants to rule England or even narrating one of the best monologues in an all-time classic music video, Price has done it all and still lives on today.
Dr. Anton Phibes- The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1971) & Dr. Phibes Rises Again (1972)
This was the film that introduced me to the great Vincent Price. Price plays Dr Anton Phibes, who blames the medical team that attended to his wife’s surgery four years prior for her death and sets out to exact vengeance on each one. Dr. Phibes is the original Jigsaw with traps and killing his victims. I was terrified by the blood drawing scene. Price doesn’t “speak” through the whole films. He is excellent in both films.
Professor Ratigan- The Great Mouse Detective (1986)
One of my all time favorite movies and Disney films. It is a another telling of Sherlock Holmes and Professor Moriarty but this time as mice and the idea of taking over the crown of England. Price is fantastic as the evil Professor Ratigan. He has two great songs but by far the best goodbye song ever made.
Narrator- Michael Jackson’s Thriller (1983)
One of the greatest songs and music videos of all time. Price monologued the narration and he was perfect at it. Price has the distinctive and horror like voice that brought chills to your skin as the zombies came out of the ground. Here is a fact: Price accepted the offer of doing the recording and it in two takes, which is crazy. He later told people that he was offered a one-time fee of $20k or a percentage of the album proceeds. He decided to take the money rather than a percentage. The only problem was that Thriller went on to see over 110 million copies world-wide. Homeboy lost out on a major bag.
Dr. Robert Morgan- The Last Man on Earth (1964)
Based on the novel I Am Legend; this film is the original of the film. We are not talking about the Will Smith version. Price is thrilling as a man who lives in a world where everyone else has been infected by a plague that has turned them into undead, vampiric creatures. I have to admit that Price was a badass and you can see why it was rebooted.
Frederick Loren- House on Haunted Hill (1959)
Many of the horror films or tv shows that are popular today were big back in the day. Look no further than House on Haunted Hill. Price plays a crazy millionaire who along with his wife Annabelle, invite five people to their house for a haunted party. The deal is whoever stays in the house for one night will get a bag of $10k. Price is equally creepy and thrilling in this role.
François Delambre- The Fly (1958)
I’m telling you that Price has been in a ton of OG horror films. This time it’s The Fly. Not the Jeff Goldblum version but the original. This was one of the first Vincent Price films I ever saw. Price plays second fiddle as he is the scientist doctor. Price is calm as Francois and worries about his brother and nephew. The ending is crazy as Price’s character watches in horror the death of his brother.
Professor Henry Jarrod- House of Wax (1953)
Once again, Price is the OG of horror films. If there is a horror remake, there is a good chance that Price played the role many years before. Case in point: House of Wax. Price plays Professor Henry Jarrod, a mad and disfigured sculptor who “restocks” his destroyed wax museum by murdering people and using their remains as new displays. Price is delightfully evil in this film and just has a way of displaying horror in the old school horror films.
Dr. Warren Chapin- The Tingler (1959)
Price is the master of horror. In this film he plays Dr. Warren Chapin, a scientist who discovers that the tingling sensation on the spine during extreme terror is due to the growth of a creature that every human being has. The creature is a parasite that is attached to the human spine. It feeds and grows stronger when the host is afraid until it crushes the host’s spine. The only way to weaken it is to scream. Price has a way of adding new ways to bring terror into the audience.
Edward Lionheart- Theater of Blood (1973)
This film is for all the trolls out there who leave mean ass comments. What if one person attacks back? Prince is delightful in this comedy as Shakespearean actor Edward Kendal Sheridan Lionheart who unsuccessfully tries to commit suicide. After surviving, he sets out to exact his revenge against the critics by killing them in the ways of his last play. I don’t know where Price finds these roles but the are entertaining and shows his range. Watch what you say to people. It could come back to haunt you.
The Inventor- Edward Scissorhands (1990)
In his final role, Price took a different role as a sweet inventor who created a humanoid person. He taught the humanoid kindness and love. Price was excellent in his final role. The role was written for Price and he executed it perfectly. You will always be missed Vincent Price.