Villain: Maleficent (1959)

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Read Time2 Minute, 32 Second
Via: Walt Disney

We going to take it back to one of the OG villains of the Disney era. Way before there was the Angelina Jolie version, Disney introduced the Mistress of Evil in the cartoon version of Sleeping Beauty in 1959. Here is where the Mistress of All Evil started haunting people for a long time. Maleficent is the powerful and terrifying witch that brought fear but an amazing look for years to come. Bow down to this mighty queen or be eaten by her in her dragon form.

Maleficent is a straight up GANGSTA and the top of the mountain when it comes to all things evil in the Disney universe. She is introduced with such class and sophistication, but she is also highly skeptical, sardonic, and manipulative. When she thinks you are beneath her, she has no fear of letting you know. She straight up called the Three Good Fairies as “the rabble.” If you offend her, you better look out as she cursed Princess Aurora for not being invited to the christening. Maleficent is also an extremely bellicose and diabolical person. She is known to have an explosive rage and punishes her minions by electrocuting them. Maleficent is also very persuasive, abrasive, unpleasant and narcissistic, mocking the Three Fairies for their failure to protect Aurora. With all this evil, she is known to have a caring side that is shown to her pet raven Diablo. She loves her pet raven and has a mental breakdown after learning that one of the fairies turned him into a permanent stone statue. Maleficent is also a bloodthirsty and aggressive being by nature, never having a certain goal in mind and only wishing to cause pandemonium and chaos in the world.

Via: Walt Disney

With an evil personality, Maleficent has a fearsome and evil appearance. She appears in the form of a tall, slender, beautiful woman with pale green skin, a narrow face, and a prominent chin. She also has yellow eyes and black horns. She rolls around in a black and purple robe with bat wing-like edges, underneath her robe, she wears a dress with the same color pallet. Her outfit represents her dragon form. One of the most distinctive items she rolls with is her staff with glowing green orb at the tip through which she casts her spells. When she is really pissed, she will transform into a fearsome dragon that spews green fire.

Via: Walt Disney

Maleficent is the OG and QUEEN of all evil in the Disney world. You better not cross her, or she will curse you. Homegirl has a stylish outfit along with having a personality that will make you quiver with fear. All hail the Mistress of All Evil.

Via: Walt Disney
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