Movies That Make You Go Huh #12

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I love this series. There are so many bad movies out in the world that I feel like this series might never end. Bad movies seem to multiply so many times that when you find one, there are at least another twenty to go with them.

The Adventures of Pluto Nash (2002)

Via: Warner Bros Pictures

God help anyone who has to sit and watch this film. This was a time when Eddie Murphy seemed to make box-office bomb after box-office bomb. I watched this film and after watching it, I have no ambitions to go to the moon and live. It actually made me debate if Eddie Murphy could ever make a decent film. He was definitely on the direct to video train.

Gemini Man (2019)

Via: Paramount Pictures

Gemini Man is meh in my eyes with over-the-top fighting and a blah storyline. I am really sad to say this, and I have in denial for a long time about it, but I must say that the Era of Big Willie Weekend is officially dead and gone. Watching Smith fight himself in this action thriller is a bore and could’ve been a lot better than it was. Everyone got on the de-aging train and this one didn’t work.

XXX: State of the Union (2005)

Via: Sony Pictures Releasing

The first XXX was entertaining and good. The sequel was a complete dud and dead on arrival. The story was a shame and whoever wrote it should be looked at and wondered where they learn how to screen write. The performance was so bad to watch and disappointing because you know everyone could do far better than what they showed.

Boat Trip (2002)

Via: Artisan Entertainment

This film should’ve been dropped deep in the Pacific Ocean. I fear that if the creatures of the sea watch this film, they would float up and die from how bad it is. A film where two close friends love lives become complete shit and they decide to go on a cruise but somehow even up on a cruise for gay men. Gay men should be pissed at how they were portrayed.

Money Talks (1997)

Via: New Line Cinema

Money sure didn’t talk for this film. The only great line from this film was, “P.H.A.T? Pretty, Hot and Tempting.” This film were neither of those things. The film tried to be funny with Tucker doing most of the work and it failed miserably. Charlie was laughable with that performance. Good thing he did Two and a Half Men.

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