Movies That Make You Go Huh Horror #10

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Horror movies are the gift that keep on giving. The gift of bad movies. This time since St. Patrick’s Day is upon us, let’s go through the Leprechaun series. This series has no four-leaf clover or shamrock that is helping this film series. No matter how bad this film series is, it keeps making movies and it continues to be laughable. Luck of the charm right here.

Leprechaun (1993)

Via: Trimark Pictures

This pains me to put this one on the list, but the first Leprechaun wasn’t that great. It was only held together by the performance of Warwick Davis. It has a really young Jennifer Aniston in her film debut. There are few scares but mostly this film will make you laugh and wonder what the Leprechaun will do next against the three people it faced. Should’ve stayed in the box.

Leprechaun 2 (1994)

Via: Trimark Pictures

This film sets it off again with the Leprechaun coming back to Los Angeles and trying to find a new bride. As usual, his first time wife died a 1000 years ago and the girl she chooses is an descendant of the original choice. Things get really bad in this fil with the awful acting, head scratching story and the awful one liners.

Leprechaun 4: In Space (1997)

Via: Trimark Pictures

Just like Jason X a few years later, for some odd reason, people need to send the supernatural being into space? I don’t know why but I guess space is the new thing for supernatural beings go to. Is there a convention up there. This time, the Leprechaun is abducted and begin courting snobbish alien princess Zarina. Things get freakin crazy and weird really quick. The Leprechaun gets reborn from the crotch of one man and yea.

Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood (2003)

Via: Lionsgate

Not only did the Leprechaun went to the hood and failed, homeboy went back to the hood. This time, the Leprechaun is trying to get his gold back only for a priest to stop him. Like most Leprechaun films, he is back when people find his gold once again. When you have to go back to hood, it must be a popular film. I am sorry to say that this film is pretty bad and I still can’t believe they did a sequel to a sequel.

Leprechaun: Origins (2014)

Via: Lionsgate

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That is all I can do when this reboot of the series came out. The previous installments of this series were bad but damnit, at least they knew they were bad. Thank you WWE for throwing this little darker and more traditional horror film at us only for it to jump off the top rope and miss everything. It was overly cliched and made you miss the old style of films. Bring back Warwick Davis!!!

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