Movies That Make You Go Huh #17

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Here we go again with some movies that are bad and make you go Huh? We have some quality entries this time from the likes of spies, Dennis Rodman, a comedic role from the one and only Chuck Norris and finally a man that lokes the crocodiles. I love bad movies. For every great movie out there, there are ten that are truly awful and mind-numbing to watch.

The Avengers (1998)

Via: Warner Bros

Before there was Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, Thor and the rest of the crew, there was an awful movie made after a British TV show. It was called the Avengers and God save the queen. The film has Ralph Fiennes, Uma Thurman and Sean Connery. It is so freakin bad with awful jokes, pathetic fight scenes and a plot that makes you want to be sucked up by a tornado and end up in munchkin land. There is nothing on this earth that will make me watch this film again.

Simon Sez (1999)

Via: Independent Artists Films

Oh Dennis Rodman, you should’ve stuck to basketball. If you ever played the game Simon Says, you get the idea. Well, Simon Says, don’t watch this film. I have seen some really bad films and this one is so bad that Simon wanted to change his name and not be associated with this film. There are a ton of other bad movies you can watch rather than this trash.

Firewalker (1986)

Via: The Cannon Group

In his first comedic role, Norris poked fun at his action persona and in return delivered up a stinker of a film. Oh, how movies seem so different when you were a kid. A wannabe version of an Indiana Jones and maybe King Solomon’s Mines film, this film just failed. It made no sense and the jokes fell as flat a one of Norris’ opponents.

Crocodile Dundee II (1988)

Via: Paramount Pictures

The first Crocodile Dundee was good even though it hasn’t aged well and pretty cringe worthy right now. The sequel didn’t come close to living up to the first one. Rather than having cultural differences, this one had Dundee fighting against a drug cartel. You can imagine what happened? A slow movie that made no sense with a few dumb jokes. Hopefully this was the end of the Dundee movie franchise.

Eragon (2006)

Via: 20th Century Fox

I will never understand how famous books turn into shit movies. I will never understand how movie studios divert from the source materials to add their own shit to it and ruin the whole thing. Eragon is one of those films that messes up so bad. Besides Speleers and Irons, this acting was BAD, the visuals were laughable and the story was so far from the book that it shouldn’t have been called Eragon. It lacked everything that the book was famous for. Also, Pizza Hut should’ve asked for their money back because I remember them advertising like crazy for this film. As you can see, a sequel was never made.

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