All the King’s Men (1949)

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Read Time6 Minute, 32 Second
Via: Columbia Pictures

Rating: 5 out of 5

Via: Columbia Pictures

The world of politics. Sometimes you wonder why someone would want to be a politician. When some start off in politics, they might have the noblest intentions. They want to help the people make changes that will progress them and leave a legacy. Yet, a fancy speech and some people believing in you are not enough to get elected. One realizes that you need money and to make deals to become an elected official. You need a shit ton of money and support. Shit, look at U.S. politics, some of the most corrupt and unorganized governments. We elect officials who have support from others and can spend more. It’s a crazy system. Back to what I was saying, sometimes one must sell their soul and beliefs to become elected. Once they are in office, they have become what they hated the most.

Via: Columbia Pictures

Written, produced, and directed by Robert Rossen. All the King’s Men is a close and well-thought story that focuses on the rise and fall of the ambitious and ruthless politician Willie Stark (Crawford) in the American South. Jack Burden (Ireland) comes from a wealthy family but wants to make it on his own. He works as a newspaper reporter. His editor sends him to Kanoma County to cover a man named Willie Stark, who is running for county treasurer. A small position that pretty much no one cares about. Why would the editor send him to cover Willie?? In the eyes of other politicians and the people, he is a really honest man. Intrigued by the story, Burden goes down and sees Willie giving a speech and having his son pass out handbills. This doesn’t go over too well as he is hounded by corrupt politicians and whip his son’s ass. Willie is an honest and brave man but doesn’t know how to connect with the people. He loses the race for treasurer but decides not to give up. He teaches himself law and becomes an optimistic attorney who fights for what is good. During the governor’s race, someone in the corrupt governor’s employ remembers Stark when the governor needs a lackey to run against him and split the vote of his rival. Corruption at its best. At first, Willie is AWFUL at giving speeches. His speeches and plans really don’t inspire anyone. The only people on Willie’s side are Jack and his tough-talking assistant, Sadie Burke (McCambridge).

Realizing that he is being used as a pawn, Willie gets WASTED and, during a speech, really let’s lose. He lets everyone know that they are hicks because he is a hick. During the speech, the people start to resonate with Willie, and soon he sees that he is in the race only to lose it by close margins. Willie resolves himself, stating that he will win the next governor’s race. After four years of wheeling and dealing, Willie wins the second time around. With his newfound power, Willie loses his innocence and becomes as corrupt as the politicians he once fought against. With his power, the fall of Willie Stark begins.

Via: Columbia Pictures

I don’t care what anyone says; this is one of the best and most realistic portrayals of American politics, only in America. I love the rise and fall of a candidate that becomes addicted to power. Once someone has the power, they never want to give it up and do everything to keep it. The story of Willie Stark is one where people who get power just abuse it. Willie starts off so righteous and honorable. He wants to fight for the people. As his speeches state, he is a hick just like them, which he is. When he speaks the truth, the people resonate with him. Even I would vote for Willie because he told through the heart, and he is very believable. Even in defeat after the first race, you believe he will come back stronger than ever.

This is where Willie’s start to corruption begins. In the four years between elections, Willie makes deals and becomes the person he hates the most. It is a sight to see the transformation of this character to being corrupt. Willie’s whole body language changes suddenly. Rather than hesitating with his words, he is precise and confident. He makes deal after deal when everyone knows they seem corrupt. When he gets elected, that is when the true colors of Willie come out.

Wille’s government reign is one that a mob boss would use. Willie looks like a mob boss with his coat and hat. He uses terror and intimidation to get what he wants. He pressures people to resign by having a little black book of information. Willie becomes a major womanizer as he repeatedly cheats on his wife. He has relations with his secretary Sadie and then hooks up with his boy Jack’s girl Ann. Ann falls in love with him and wants to feel sorry for herself when he doesn’t return the feelings. How does Willie stay in the good graces of the people?? He builds everything from new roads, schools, a football stadium, and a hospital. He knows how to play it to the people.

Via: Columbia Pictures

With everything, you see that Willie is an asshole father. The scene that is telling is when his son, who is a drunk and doesn’t want to play football. His son drives drunk with a girl and gets in a major accident. The son lives, and the girl dies. Willie tries to bribe the father, but he has the father killed when he turns it down. When his son is having major regrets and PTSD, he makes him play football only for the son to get hit and end up paralyzed. Through all of this, Willie still tries to hold off an impeachment. Doing anything he can to keep his job and power.

This movie goes with the performance of Broderick Crawford. Crawford played Willie Stark to perfection. A simple country man who goes from a bumbling local to being the most powerful man in the state. Crawford transforms Willie with his body language and style. Gone was the local man, and in its place was a man who became corrupt and wanted it all. He treated the state as an empire, and people were scared to say anything about it. What a performance!

Mercedes McCambridge as Sadie Burke was another person who stood out. She was the fast-talking, take no shit off anyone. I loved how in the beginning, she told everyone off. She actually went downhill when she caught feelings for Willie. She kept by his side, hoping for him to change. Should’ve left his dumb ass.

The final person is John Ireland as Jack Burden. He was decent and told his rich ass pops off. Yet, dude believed in the Kool-Aid of Willie. When things got tight, he stuck by Willie even when Willie stole his girl from him. That is when you got to cut people loose.

All the King’s Men is a FANTASTIC movie that deals with politics. The story is excellent with the rise and fall of one man. How one man goes from a simple man to one of the most corrupt people in the state. It is a fascinating story to watch. The performances are great, and Crawford is at his best. Watch this film and be amazed at what politics look like today.

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