As Good as It Gets (1997)

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Read Time6 Minute, 49 Second
Via: Sony Pictures Releasing

Rating: 4.5 out of 5

When Jack Nicholson’s character storms out of his therapist’s office and walks back into the lobby, he looks around at everyone waiting. He asks them, “What if this is as good as it gets?” It is a relatively simple question but one that has profound weight behind it. What if the life you have really is as good as it gets? Have you ever looked around and wondered if this is the best your life will ever get, and are you okay with it? In my opinion, one can always have a better life and shouldn’t settle on thinking that the life they have is as good as it can get.

Via: Sony Pictures Releasing

Directed by James L. Brooks, who also co-wrote it with Mark Andrus. The film stars Jack Nicholson in one of the most flawed characters he has portrayed. He is a cranky old man who is a renowned novelist. Helen Hunt is a hard-working waitress and single mother with a chronically ill son. Greg Kinnear is an artist who is gay with one of the cutest dogs you have ever seen. Somehow all three of these characters’ lives change for the better after a terrible accident.

Set in the great place of New York City. Melvin Udall (Nicholson) is a man no one would want to be around or even have enough patience to spend more than three seconds with. Melvin is a cranky, bigoted, intelligent, wealthy writer suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). I mean, take some of the most disagreeable people on earth, and Melvin might have them beat because dude is that terrible to be around. He is pleased with his life as he spends most of his time inside his apartment, writing books. One of the downsides to his book writing is that his books are beyond popular, and he is currently working on his sixty-sixth book. Melvin hates everyone around him, especially his next-door neighbor Simon Bishop (Kinnear), a gay artist, and his cute dog Verdell. The movie begins with Verdell escaping Simon’s apartment and runs around the hallway, annoying Melvin. Melvin catches Verdell and throws him down the laundry chute. Once again, not a very nice guy. Melvin’s OCD goes to the extreme as he does this daily breakfast at a particular café. He has to sit at a specific table while being served by a specific waitress, Carol Connelly (Hunt), while also bringing his own plastic utensils. Well, Melvin’s world is soon turned upside down when Simon is brutally attacked and left in a hospital to recover. Melvin is demanded to take care of Verdell, which changes his world along with the fact that Carol’s son becomes increasingly sick. Through this, Melvin must change and show the world that he actually does care but through strange steps.

Via: Sony Pictures Releasing

This film is one that I would say is all about growth. Usually, when a person is as cranky and messed up as Melvin, it is HARD for them to change even a single bit. Yet, Melvin does change in his own unusual way. It all started with a dog. Let’s take a second to say this dude fed this dog some of the best meat even a man can ask for and even bacon. You feed me bacon, and I’ll be your friend. This one-act pushes Melvin into territory he never wanted to go to. Even though he is just an asshole, you see that he has somewhat of a heart. After talking bad about Carol’s son because of his health and with her not there, he goes to his editor and asks for her to send the best doctor. When Verdell has to go back to Simon, he plays the piano and cries because he misses him. When Simon is dead broke, Melvin offers to drive him to Baltimore to speak with his parents, even if he was coaxed a little bit into it. All these things lead to Melvin’s growth even if he complains and hates it all but finds love with Carol.

Now, we can spend many scenes showing how Melvin has changed and all this other stuff. The one that stood out the most and was when the receptionist at his editors raves about his books and wants to know how he writes women so well. Melvin, without any hesitation, says, “I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.” Who says that? How did he come to this point? It is one of those lines that make you really think Melvin is an asshole, and how does anyone still put up with him or even likes his books.

On the flipside of Melvin is his impact he has on other people’s lives. I don’t know how Carol put up with him for so long because when she is gone, Melvin snaps in the café she works out and gets kicked out to rousing applause. Carol has enough on her plate with a sick son, and somehow she puts up with this man. She has a heart full of gold and the patience of a saint. She does give him a tongue lashing, but in the end, he makes Melvin a better man as he tries to say at dinner.

Via: Sony Pictures Releasing

Now, As Good as It Gets is one of those films that move strongly on the characters portrayed by the great Jack Nicholson, Helen Hunt, and Greg Kinnear. What can I say about the great Jack Nicholson? This was one of his best roles ever, and he has done a lot of roles. As Melvin, he just seemed to bring a type of personality and mannerisms to this character that you want to hate so much. In his own way, Nicholson made you almost care about Melvin at the end of the film through the changes he made.

Helen Hunt, as Carol, was also strong and gave her that Academy Award win. Hunt’s character was one that maybe many women are going through. That hard-working single mother who is a waitress and has to put up with demanding customers while also having stress in her life from her son being sick. Her best scenes were when she made Melvin apologize and when she goes on this crying vent with her mother because she doesn’t know if she wants Melvin’s help but also starts talking about her own life and how she can’t find love and everything else. It is a very emotional and significant scene.

Greg Kinnear was strong as Simon. He was the friendly, gay neighbor, but his life suddenly changed after he was viciously attacked. His world crumbles around him, and to make matters worse, his dog wants to be around the one person who hates him. When he really hits his lowest point, he finds inspiration in Carol and knows he will be okay. Let’s take a moment to talk about Cuba Gooding Jr. Even though he had a small role, he didn’t put up with any of Melvin’s shit. Actually, Melvin was scared of him, and towards the end, they actually have breakfast together.

As Good as It Gets isn’t one of the greatest films ever made, but it is funny and somewhat romantic in a way. The story will not wow you, but you will be entertained with some of this film’s performances. Jack Nicholson is at one of his absolute best with Melvin’s character. He has some funny moments, from leaving the therapist to speaking with his editor’s receptionist. Hunt does a great job as Carol and should be applauded. Even if you think your world might be as good as it gets, you can always make it better.

Via: Sony Pictures Releasing
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