Assassination Classroom

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Read Time9 Minute, 42 Second

Year: 2015-2016

Genre: Action, Comedy and Science fiction

Episodes: 47

Rating: 4.5 out of 5

Who has been your all-time favorite teacher? Who has been the most memorable teacher in your life? What teacher believed in you when you didn’t believe in yourself. My all-time favorite teacher was my 5th-grade teacher. She was terrific and believed in me so much. She was the one who taught me the word potential and to always try my best. Sometimes you just need one person to believe in you.

What would happen if one of your teachers used to be a ruthless killer? The government places a massive bounty on your teacher’s head to kill him. The only thing is that you still need to go to class and learn from the teacher in a given year. Do you think you could pull it off? Assassination Classroom shows what happens when a teacher out of this world decides to teach the worst class on campus.


Via: Funimation

Earth is in danger of being blown up by a powerful, tentacled creature that suddenly appears after destroying 70% of the Moon and leaving it in the permanent shape of a crescent. The creature gives a warning to the world that he will destroy the planet next but offers a way to save it.

In the bottom of the barrel class 3-E, the worse class of Kunugigaoka Junior High School, the tentacle creature decides to become a homeroom teacher and teaches the students normal subjects and the ways of assassination. The Japanese government promises a reward of ¥10 billion (i.e., US$100 million) to whoever among the students succeeds in killing the organism, whom they have named “Koro-sensei.” The task seems easy enough if it wasn’t for the fact that he has out-of-this-world superpowers from accelerated regeneration, visual cloning, an invincible form, and the ability to move and fly at Mach 20. One thing is quickly shown. He is the best teacher the class could ask for as he wants the students to truly see their potential while helping them realize that there is more to life than their grades on their report cards.


Assassination Classroom is one of the most entertaining, comical, sometimes series anime series you can watch. I love the premise of an unstoppable being decides to teach. Just not teach anyone; he picks a school and class that have no hope of being anything or has a future but convinces them to be the best version of themselves. The teacher is beyond anything anyone ever seen with a high I.Q., speed that would rival Superman, and knowledge of being the world’s best assassin like James Bond or Jason Bourne. This anime has so many elements in it that you will enjoy and love it. It is a top 50 anime for sure.

Via: Funimation

As stated in the overview, what makes this anime go is that the teacher Koro-sensei blows up the Moon and comes down to Earth looking for a particular group of students to assassinate him before a designated time period. You would think with the synopsis like that, it would be too dark and severe. It is the complete opposite; it is colorful and fun, and a joy to watch. It took a serious topic of killing your teacher to make a story that no matter where you are or the system you are in, you can always succeed if you study and do not give up. Also, the comedy and jokes are out of this world. Sometimes they are sexual, and other times they are spot on. Anything with Irina Jelavić is funny and classic material. Her episode was funny by far.

Now for season 1, it was by far enjoyable to watch. You learn about the main characters, but you really don’t get any significant details. You figure out why some of the students are in the classroom, and specific episodes are dedicated to some characters. Still, their backgrounds are kept a low profile. It is almost like they really are assassins, and you learn minimal information about them. Now the primary goal of the series is to assassinate Koro-sensei, but that goal takes a far greater backseat to the ultimate purpose of this show, and that is to give confidence in the students. Koro-sensei always states that the students have a specific time to kill him, but the whole anime is him helping the students in extreme situations and building up their confidence. If he was going to blow up the planet, why would you help students? The main villain isn’t Koro-sensei but the principal and his ideology of how he runs the school. The main battlefields are the midterms and final exams.

Via: Funimation

Season two picks up during the second term, where the student’s time is slowly running out on assassinating their professor. The anime still keeps everything the same, but this time around, we are introduced to Koro-Sensei’s former protégé along with the genuinely learning bout Koro-Sensei’s life. This season is by far one of the most emotional seasons, and I did almost cry. The water was definitely in the eyes, but it was a great send-off. Oh, and there is a great fight in this season also.

The animation is absolutely above average! The animation is a joy to see as each character is drawn in their own unique style and has their own color scheme to distinguish between them. There are so many examples to give. One example is with Koro-Sensei and his giant yellow self. It is one thing to see him with his usual smile, but when he gets pissed, the whole scene changes. He turns almost black and demonic. His eyes glow crimson, and some type of mist list aura grows around him. It is quite intimidating. Another scene with him is when he has nothing to say or is really caught off guard. He turns white, and his mouth is just a black line. It is one of the funniest things I’ve seen.

Via: Funimation

Now with the students, like I said, each one is drawn in a certain way, but some of them seem to have extra abilities, and the animators made sure that you know it with setting the scene in a different way. When they are taking their midterms or finals, the scene is them on some epic battlefield fighting it out. The test questions appear as monsters. It truly displays what a test feels like sometimes.

Like I said earlier, I love how they made each character in their own way. The principal is a man that believes in his ideology, and they show this with his glowing dark pinkish eyes along with his influence being drawn as centipedes. Straight disgusting. Nagisa Shiota is drawn with that blue hair and seems so gentle and kind. Yet, he is always drawn with a snake because his killing intent strikes like one.

Another highlight of the animation is that it uses other anime to make its point. You could spend some time trying to figure out the other anime that are highlighted, like Attack on Titan and a few others. These are always presented comically but entertaining for sure.

Via: Funimation

This anime has many characters in terms of the students and the adult characters that help them succeed in their mission. A few students are forgettable, and others that stand out and the focus of the show. The main character to talk about is Koro-sensei. The dude is a powerful octopus-like being who is the homeroom teacher of Class 3-E of Kunugigaoka Junior High School. He is initially thought to be the perpetrator of the explosion of the Moon, which has rendered it permanently in a crescent shape. He is almost the perfect teacher as he is extremely dedicated to his task as a teacher and connecting with each of his students. Plus, he always has this giant smile on his face and changes the colors of his appearance based on how scared or confident he is. When the truth about his life comes out, it will change the way the students feel about him and their mission entirely. Also, he is an extreme pervert!

One of the students I really liked was the main character, and the storyteller is Nagisa Shiota. In the beginning, Nagisa is seen as one of the weakest students in the class due to his small stature and mediocre physical abilities that are comparable to some of the girls in the class. You would think that he was a girl with the way he wore his hair. As the series progressed, you see that he is actually the most talented to become an assassin out of all the students. His unique skill is that he can draw close to his enemy by hiding his bloodlust until he ready to strike. This is displayed as a python wrapping around his opponent. He is always cheery, but this is hidden from the pain and abuse he had at his mother’s hands. When he fought in the battle to see whether Koro-sensei should be killed or not, the dude came down like a reaper from the sky and took out four of his classmates. Then he gave that evil little smile. BEAST MODE!!

Via: Funimation

Another student character that I like is Karma Akabane. Karma is one of Nagisa’s closest friends and is considered the strongest and smartest among the Class 3-E students. The dude is a genius who looks down on people. He is extremely violent and borderline sadistic. Yet, the dude has a caring heart and soon learns to trust his classmates and see his own limitations.

The teachers are pretty entertaining also. First there is Tadaomi Karasuma. Karasuma is a government worker associated with the Ministry of Defense. He became the P.E. instructor of class 3-E, using his lessons to train the students in assassination techniques. He is well known among militaries for his outstanding reputation and is a powerful individual. He seems to have a dense personality but cares about the students and protects them at all costs. I absolutely LOVE Irina Jelavić! She might be an annoying character, but homegirl is beau-ti-ful! She was drawn in all the right places. Not on Jessica Rabbit level but okay, girl. She is a professional hitwoman of Serbian origin who is hired to kill Koro-sensei by becoming a part-time foreign language teacher in Class 3-E. The students call her Professor Bitch Ms. Hella-Bitch on a play of her last name and because of her attitude. She actually becomes a respected teacher among the students and even shows a fondness for teaching them.

Assassination Classroom is a great anime that will undoubtedly make you laugh and even cry in the end. The anime does a fantastic job of showing what happens when a teacher truly believes in you and shows that you are not a failure. All the characters are great, and the story is fantastic. You will definitely love watching this anime.

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