Rating: 2.5 out of 5
This film shouldn’t be called Basic Instinct. It should be called the “Sharon Stone Showing Her Lady Parts” movie. Actually, this film should be called Sharon Stone is oh so fine, and she did a softcore porn because that is pretty much what this is. The film is okay, but is only iconic and known for Sharon Stone becoming a Femme Fatale. She is absolutely naked in almost every scene, and some people getting stabbed by an ice pick. Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to an erotic thriller for the ages and puts a crazy but seductive woman on the map. God Damn Sharon Stone is FINE!

You might be wondering what Basic Instinct is about or what the plot is even about? Here is a concise review because it is all about Sharon Stone being crazy and naked almost throughout the film. The movie starts off with a sex scene. If you want to get people’s attention, you might as well show something erotic. Well, while these two people are getting it own and freaky, the dude gets stabbed in the throat by an ice pick—shitty way to go. Nick Curran (Douglas) is put in charge of the investigation. All the evidence points to the beautiful Catherine (Stone) as the main suspect of the crime. Catherine is a beautiful and intelligent woman with a degree in psychology and literature. The investigation team finds out that the murder happened the same way as a book written by Catherine. Curran goes to Catherine’s house to interrogate her about the victim and what happened that night. Apparently, Catherine was a formal lover of the musician, and she even spent that night with him, but she claims to have not killed him. Curran states he wants to bring Catherine to the station, which she obliges. In one of the most seductive interrogation scenes in film, Catherine uses her smarts and beauty to avoid questions and pass a lie detector test. As the investigation goes deeper and deeper, Nick begins a relationship with Catherine against everyone’s wishes. As the body count slowly starts to rise, Nick might soon realize that the beautiful woman might not be so innocent but a serial killer.
Is the film plot interesting? Maybe. It is a crime thriller. You spend most of the time trying to figure out if Catherine is the killer or not. Everything points to her with her book, love for sex, and erratic ways, but you have to spend time thinking maybe she is not after she passed the lie detector test. The other half of the film is watching Nick spiral out of control with his obsession with Catherine. That must be some really good ass to be like that over her. The man became hooked on her like a drug and couldn’t let go.

Now we all know what you really want with this film. It is the SEX. This film is like a softcore porn with how much sex going on in it. It is like every ten minutes, you have someone showing their ass, breast, or having sex. I want to say that Stone spent half her time in the nude. Now some of the scenes are very, very suggestive and wrong. First, when Beth comes over to Nick’s place, he pretty much rips her clothes off and has sex with her. I would say that was borderline rape right there. She should’ve cut off his nuts for that one. Also, they made gays and bisexuals look crazy. It was quite over the top and wrong. I don’t know what the group did to make the people making this film mad, but it was also uncalled for.
Now the only reason I watched this film was for Sharon Stone. She played her role so well and might be considered an all-time greatest villain. She is sexy, intelligent, seductive, manipulative, and a complete psychopath. Yet, she is still FINE and sexy. Stone was the perfect choice for this role. This movie doesn’t happen without Stone, and she played the camera so well. Once again, the whole interrogation scene set the tone of the film and how much of a seductive woman. If you didn’t rewind that scene, then you should.
For Douglas, he was Douglas. To me, it was the same role as he had in Fatal Attraction. Playing some uptight, trying to be in control character that gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Don’t get me wrong, Douglas is good at what he does, but it is the same exact role.
Basic Instinct is the Sharon Stone showing her lady parts movie. Nothing more than that. The film has an interesting plot with someone getting killed by an ice pick, but overall, it is Sharon Stone being naked. Stone is the ultimate femme fatale. The sex in this film makes it softcore porn along with some very, very questionable acts.