BNA: Brand New Animal

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Read Time6 Minute, 16 Second

Year: 2020

Genre: Action, Super Power, Fantasy

Episodes: 12

Rating: 4.5 out of 5

Via: Netflix

The age of animals having human characteristics has begun. It seems that a few anime series where animals live in cities and doing life things are starting to become quite common nowadays. There have been movies and TV shows in the past that have done this, but now it seems like this is the theme to go to. First, there was Zootopia, which was cute, funny, and entertaining. Then Netflix came along and dropped Beastars on the world. A far more mature, sexual, and adult-themed view in the animal world. Now Netflix has decided to go with some of the themes of both shows and bring back a little bit of the kid-friendly atmosphere to a show.

BNA: Brand New Animal is an anime where the animal kingdom lives together in a world with humankind. Where animals have built a city and use a glamour to disguise their true appearance from the human world but also want a world of their own. The animal explores the depths of what happens when a kid suddenly gains the appearance of a tanuki beastman and tries to find a way to revert back to her human self.


Via: Netflix

BNA: Brand New Animal is set in a world where humans and Beastmen are looking for a way to coexist. Beastmen are a species capable of changing from human form to beast form due to their genetic “Beast Factor.” Humans and Beastmen had been at odds with each other throughout history with fighting in wars against each other. Beastmen were in hiding until Anima City was erected with the help of a government. Anima City serves as a safe haven for these oppressed individuals to live free from human interference.

The anime picks up in the present day with the introduction of Michiru Kagemori, a human who suddenly turned into a tanuki. Michiru wants to find a way to turn back into her human and travels to Anima City. During the city’s festival, celebrating the town’s 10th anniversary, Michiru witnesses an explosion in the square. Michiru is introduced to Shirou Ogami, a badass who can turn into a wolf and seems so mighty that nothing hurts him and the protector of all Beastmen. After taking down the bombers, the two discover that Michiru is anything but an ordinary Beastman and look to investigate her mysterious past and uncanny abilities. As Shirou and Michiru investigate around Anima City, they soon learn that there are many things hidden within the city and each other.


BNA: Brand New Animal is a cross between Zootopia and Netflix’s other anime series Beastars. Zootopia is very lighthearted and fun, while Beastars is way more adult. BNA drops right in the middle, and I actually really like this anime. I thought it was fun, entertaining, and a joy to watch. It does have many adult themes like discrimination, corruption, and trying to find one’s place in the world.

Via: Netflix

Just like I said, the anime does touch upon discrimination. The first way it is shown is how humans really don’t like the beastman. That they set up signs and actually hunt them down. Michiru almost died within the first five minutes. We learn that it was tough for the beastman to set up a city. There is also discrimination among the beastman where some think they are better than the others. Some live in the slums, while others live in the high rises. It is fascinating to watch.

Another area of the anime that I found interesting was the idea of a cult and idol. When the cult comes, and people start worshipping the fake white wolf, who is a god in the mind of the beastman. The anime shows how quickly something like a miracle can sway the population into being part of a cult or a religion. It shows how people are always looking to be part of something and believe in something.

The animation is eye-catching and really stands out in this anime. First, the colors are bright, playful, and full of life. No matter if the characters are outside in the dark or if it is a bright sunny day, you don’t get the feeling that this is a dark anime. It reminds me of the style and atmosphere of Kill la Kill. How all the characters are drawn with bright colors, and it just seems refreshing and playful. I love how the animators have this transition of going between human form and animal form. This is shown with Shiro as he seems to go from wolf form and human form pretty easily, but when he walks in a shadow and in daylight. When he is in god form, the animation just pops. If you watch Kill la Kill and then this anime, you will see very similar styles between the two shows.

Via: Netflix

I don’t talk much about opening or ending theme songs for anime series. They really have to be outstanding like Tokyo Ghoul’s Unravel or Rock the Dragon from DBZ. I am going to say that both the opening and ending theme songs for this anime bump hard. The opening theme, “Ready To,” performed by Sumire Morohoshi, is very catchy and fun. You can dance to this song because I was definitely nodding my head to it. This song will brighten your mood. The ending theme song “Night Running,” performed by Shin Sakiura and electronic musician AAAMYYY is the opposite of the slow down melody. Throughout the anime, it appears when the main characters are either looking up at the sky or reflecting.

As far as the characters are concerned, there are really only two to talk about. The first is the main character Michiru Kagemori. Michiru is a high schooler who suddenly turned into a tanuki beastman and came to Anima City to find a way to turn herself back to normal. You might think she is annoying, but she is actually really caring and fun to be around. She stands for what she believes in and gives her best. She also has the ability to transform different parts of herself into any animal. The best of this is during the baseball games. Homegirl goes all out.

The second character and the one I really like is Shirou Ogami. Shiro is a wolf beastman with a very keen sense of smell. The dude has an extreme sense of justice and is protective of the beastman. He might be the strongest beastman and has a secret that makes him immortal and even close to a god. What is nice about Shiro is that he seems to have two personalities. He is usually calm and collective in his human form, but when he goes into his wolf form, the dude goes to another level.

BNA: Brand New Animal is a fun and entertaining anime. In my personal opinion, it is far better than Beastars. This anime touches upon some adult themes and situations, but it does it in a lighthearted and fun way. Michiru and Shiro are great characters to cheer for and laugh with. Also, I feel like beastman are the rage.

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