Street Fighter (1994)

The epic fighting game comes to life on the big screen. SONIC BOOM AND HADOUKEN!! Continue reading Street Fighter (1994)
The epic fighting game comes to life on the big screen. SONIC BOOM AND HADOUKEN!! Continue reading Street Fighter (1994)
A classic arcade game comes to the big screen Continue reading Rampage (2018)
A terrible film version of a classic video game Continue reading Doom (2005)
The popular video game comes to life with treasure hunting and crazy scenes. Continue reading Uncharted (2022)
One of the WORSE movies ever made that is made after a video game Continue reading House of the Dead (2003)
Another awful movie after a video game Continue reading Tekken (2009)
A Classic Video Game Gets A Live-Action Feel Continue reading Resident Evil (2002)
All-Time Worse Video Game Movie Continue reading Mortal Kombat: Annihilation (1997)
Another Video Game Movie Continue reading Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010)
GET OVER HERE!!! Continue reading Mortal Kombat (1995)