Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious

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Read Time5 Minute, 45 Second
Via: White Fox

Year: 2019

Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy

Episodes: 12

Rating: 4 out of 5


There is a saying out in the world that “you can never be too careful.” There is also another saying, “nothing ever goes as planned, and you can’t plan for the unexpected.” In life, we can prepare for every situation we face, but there will be risks involved no matter what. The future is entirely unknown to us. No matter how much we try to see and plan for everything, no matter the situation, something will always manage to surprise you. Yet, that doesn’t mean we can’t try. Maybe with experience in life, we become cautious to situations that make us plan to unbelievable levels and not make the first step until we are entirely sure that we can be on the winning side or get what we want. Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious is a funny, excellent, and good time anime that shows a hero that will not fight until he is absolutely sure that he can win and go to unbelievable lengths in planning every little detail.



Via: White Fox

Ristarte, a novice goddess, has been tasked with saving the world of Gaeabrande, an S-class world, from a Demon Lord. To do this, she has the ability to summon a human hero. With the extreme dangers of Gaeabrande, Ristarte decides to take her time and find the best hero with the best stats. She looks through the list of heroes and settles on Seiya Ryūgūin, whose stats are many times greater than any other contender, but there is only one thing. On Seiya’s report, it states that he is overly cautious.

When Seiya is summoned, Ristarte finds to her extreme displeasure that not only is he overly cautious, he takes it to a level unheard of. Seiya is cautious of everything and anyone and has to make absolutely sure with 200% accuracy that he is ready for whatever battle he is in. On their first day, Seiya refuses to even go to Gaeabrande’s safest areas until he has trained to a level that he is comfortable with by spending four days training. When the pair finally make it on Gaeabrande, maybe being overly cautious is a good thing as their adventure begins.



Via: White Fox

Yo! I want to say that this is by far one of the funniest anime series I have seen. It was honestly a sleeper hit for me. I didn’t think it would be this good. When I first saw the name, I thought it would be a boring anime where the main character would never want to fight. It was almost like that but the opposite. The whole story is pretty good as gods, and goddesses get to recruit heroes and are tasked with cleaning up a world. Ristarte picks Seiya, who has insane stats, but the one thing about him is that he is overly cautious. The dude will not fight until he believes he is perfectly prepared. Even when he defeats the beast, he completely obliterates it to make sure it will never come back to life again. That is what the whole anime is. They fight demons, and before Seiya decides to battle, he likes to train. When he comes out of training, he has learned all these new skills and has everything figured out to when the sweat flows from a person’s head.

The one thing that sets this anime apart from the others is the comedy. Seiya is so deadpan in his deliveries that you have no idea if he is joking or being completely serious. When he says things, it sends so many others for a loop. One example is when he meets this one girl who is a soldier and slaps the shit out of her repeatedly because she thinks she can handle the situation. Another scene is when he straight up orders like 1000 herbal potions when he only needs one and then pours it on everyone because he doesn’t know if they are a zombie or not.

The battle scenes in this anime are not out of this world, but they are funny as hell. It’s funny to see how the demons think they have everything figured out, and Seiya comes along and says he has a plan for a plan for a plan. When you think Seiya met his match, he finds a way that makes you look stupid and defeats you with ease. No matter if it’s on land or in the air, he finds a way. The battles are so one-sided that it’s funny to even see people try.

Via: White Fox

Now the interactions between the characters are hilarious. Seiya is a straight-up badass and gives zero f**ks on people’s feelings. He tells it how it is and keeps on moving. He literally tells Mash and Elulu to hold his bags because they are baggage carriers. When Ristarte tries to hit on him, he gives straight-up says, “Hard Pass,” with such a serious tone to his voice. It is hilarious to see everyone communicate with each other.

With that said, the characters of this anime are truly great. Seiya is by far my favorite character. I love his catchphrase, “I am perfectly prepared. I am 200% ready for this.” The dude takes nothing for granted and will only go into battle when he absolutely knows he can win. Ristarte is also a great character as she has this wild side and puts all her emotions out for everyone to see. She wants to be accepted but is put down so many times by Seiya.

Also, all the Gods and Goddesses in the realm have their own personalities are hilarious and unique in their own way. Cerceus, for example, is the first one to train with Seiya. When Seiya embarrasses him after three training days, the dude decides to start baking desserts rather than fight. Adenela is this creepy god who falls for Seiya and has a complete change. Mitis is a goddess of archery who is a complete nymphomania. I tell you there are strange and funny characters all over the place and it is great.

Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious is one of the funniest and entertaining anime series I have seen in a while. The characters are great, and the comedy is spot on. Seiya has to train and go overboard when dealing with an opponent is something to see. Hope you are not this cautious in life.

Via: White Fox
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