Darkness Falls (2003)

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Read Time4 Minute, 51 Second
Via: Sony Pictures Releasing

Rating: 0.5 out of 5

Take it to Hollywood to make the tooth fairy into a demonic being. Gotta love Hollywood for turning a tale where parents leave money to their children in return for their teeth into a raving killer who kills anyone that looks at her face. I swear when Hollywood gets an idea and runs with it, sometimes it turns out really, really bad. This movie is so bad that the tooth fairy would leave you a suitcase of cash just not to watch it. Hell, maybe having your teeth pulled would be way more entertaining than this. Sign me up for the dentist because I would rather spend time in that office than watch this awful movie again.

Via: Sony Pictures Releasing

Here we go with Darkness Falls, a ride into the mindless abyss. The film starts in the middle of the 19th century in the town of Darkness Falls. In the town lived an elderly widow named Matilda Dixon. Matilda was adored by all the town’s children and given the nickname Tooth Fairy as she gave them a gold coin whenever they lost a tooth. One night, a fire broke in Matilda’s house, severely disfiguring her face while making it light-sensitive. Matilda wears a white porcelain mask and only leaves her house at night. The town soon became suspicious of Matilda, thinking she was a witch. Shit turned on the elderly woman when two children went missing. The town thought it was her, turned on her, and exposed her to sunlight, killing her. Before she died, she placed a curse and swore vengeance. When the two missing children returned home unharmed, the town realized their mistake and quickly buried Matilda’s body. Over the next one and a half centuries, Matilda’s spirit visits children on the night they lose their last tooth, and if anyone sees her, she will mark them and kill them.

Oh wait, I am not done with the synopsis. We have to get to the present or maybe the past to the present. In 1990, Kyle Walsh was an antisocial teenager who was best friends with Caitlin Greene. Catlin teases Kyle after he loses his last baby tooth and tells him not to peak. That night, Kyle wakes up from a horrible nightmare and notices Matilda’s presence. He takes a peak which leads Matilda to mark him. Knowing that she cannot bear the light, shines a light and escapes to the bathroom. When his mother tries to convenience him, nobody is in the house, so Matilda grabs her ass and kills her. The following day, the police arrive, and Kyle is removed from a psychiatric institution after mistaken speculations that he killed his mother. The film finally picks up twelve years later when Caitlin (Caulfield) calls Kyle (Kley) and asks for help from her younger brother, who refuses to sleep. Kyle, having not been cured, draws pictures of Matilda as he is still haunted by her. Reluctantly, Kyle returns to Darkness Falls to face his past and the woman in the porcelain mask.

Via: Sony Pictures Releasing

I have never been so bored of watching a film like this one. I wanted the darkness to fall over my eyes with the hope that the film would end. In some horror films, the background story is far more interesting than the actual movie. It is interesting to see how a soul becomes malevolent. Then we have to sit through 80 minutes of straight trash. Actually, let me back up. Seeing the main character becoming frightened and having massive amounts of trauma sets the film up. The first 15 minutes were good, and then after that, it was a dumpster fire.

One of the biggest problems with this film is that it’s so dark you really can’t see anything. Yes, the malevolent hates the light and pretty much does everything at night, but can the filter on the lens be a little better because I don’t have freakin night vision. Trying to figure out what was going on will make you completely lose interest in this film, and it is already bad, to begin with.

The film tries to have scares, but it does absolutely nothing. Most of the time, it is someone running through the woods or an abandoned building, and they see the face of the tooth fairy. She snatches them up and takes them into the darkness. That is it. You can almost predict what is about to happen long before it does. It was a complete waste of time and a good horror film. Well, the horror genre is known for producing awful movies, and this is another one on its long list.

Via: Sony Pictures Releasing

Don’t get me started on the acting. I believe that if you have the opportunity to start in a big-budget film, you take it. Starring in a movie comes once in a lifetime for a few people. Sometimes the performers try their best, but it doesn’t work out. This is one of those films that doesn’t work out because the concept and direction could be better.

Darkness Falls is a waste of time. If you want something to watch, then watch this during the Halloween season. Besides that, you can definitely skip it. Whenever Hollywood wants to change a mythical fairytale creature, they will take it and make it into a horror film. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it fails. This is the time it failed majorly.

Via: Sony Pictures Releasing
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