Year: 2017
Genre: Action, Military, Super Power, Magic
Episodes: 11
Rating: 1 out of 5
I was trying to think of a nice beginning to start this review off. I always want to try and relate the start to something in the real world. Well, I can’t with this anime because it is awful. I thought about writing how the Nazi party might have tried to find ancient relics for their cause and rule the world even more. Then I was like, nope, waste of time, and I might as well recommend Raiders of the Lost Ark. If it is something extremely supernatural, how about Hellboy. All those would do and have the same enemy.
Dies Irae is Latin for the Day of Wrath. Well, the wrath of this anime is sitting through the eleven episodes and hoping your skins haven’t melted from your bones. Haha. Get it? A Raiders of the Lost Ark joke. Well, whatever. If you want to watch this anime, you can but might as well skip it.

On May 1, 1945, in Berlin, Germany, a group of Nazi officers carried out a particular ritual during Berlin’s fall. The group uses this opportunity as a catalyst for their ceremony as thousands of lives have been lost in the battle. The goal of the ceremony was to revive the Order of the 13 Lances. The Order of the 13 Lances purpose is to bring death and destruction to the world. As the group succeeds, the war over, they fade away into darkness and myth until the right time comes along, and they can truly rule the world.
Dies Irae begins 61 years later in Japan. Ren Fujii has just been released from the hospital after a two-months stay after being in a brutal fight with his former best friend, Shirou Yusa. After leaving the hospital, Ren decides to rebuild his life without Shiro. As he tries to resume an everyday life, things start falling apart as the city quickly is attacked, and he has dreams of a guillotine and a blonde-haired girl. As the Order of the 13 Lances returns and set their plan in motion, Ren soon learns he might be the only one to defeat these superhuman beings.
This anime was freakin TERRIBLE!!! I’m just going to be honest, and say that I absolutely despised this anime. It was uneventful, boring, and overall a waste of my valuable time. Dies Irae in Latin means the Day of Wrath. Well, wrath needs to fall upon this anime and have it burn for all eternity.
Now the start of the anime hyped. I mean, it got me excited and ready to go. You see this big ass golden castle-like object in the sky, and the main villain walks on it and its response to his footprints with skulls and all that evil stuff. You’re like, okay, this could be dope, and then it falls into the deep, dark,

I will begin with the positive of this anime, and it should be really quick. The animation of some of the scenes is drawn really well. The CGI crap in it is pretty with some of the fight scenes, but other scenes are drawn really well and give an element of horror and evil. Pretty much anything on the floating, golden castle is nice to look at. The characters are drawn in a particular way that brings essence in them.
Now that is out of the way, let’s talk about the story. The story is beyond a standard anime story that deals with some old Nazi soldiers, and it’s almost laughable. The main villain Reinhard Heydrich, a real and evil person in real life, is this leader of some Nazi demon cult group. He is actually the Leader of the Longinus Dreizehn Orden and a high-ranking official in Germany. He is someone of extreme intelligence in the anime and has no limits in knowing all fields and disciplines. Well, like all villains, he wants to rule and forms the Obsidian Round Table alongside Mercurius after faking his death and acted behind the scenes of World War II and kept on destroying friends and foe alike. Reinhard disappears after the fall of Berlin, with current whereabouts a mystery. Fine, that is a nice start, but like almost all anime series that deals with Nazi have to jump to the present, and this one jumps to 61 years in Japan. 61 YEARS!!! No one can do shit in like 10 years? The story introduces Ren Fujii’s who fights and ends his friendship with Shirou Yusa after some incident that I really didn’t care about. The fight was so bad Ren ends up in the hospital. How you end up in the hospital and then fight someone who has literally become a GOD?? After getting out of the hospital, he goes to some museum where he sees a guillotine and has a vision of a very cute girl who has a scar around her neck. This is the start of when things just go wild from here, and we are introduced to each member of the Longinus Dreizehn Orden and how they want to destroy Japan and the world. How do they do this? Like any manner, they must destroy certain areas around Japan that seem to make a swastika. When that happens, a big ass, giant skeleton appears with a golden castle.

My main problem with this story is that the main character goes from a weakling to superhuman in like 3 episodes. It’s not on DBZ Goku level, but damn man, you gained powers like never before. One second everyone is having trouble against the Nazi order, and then the next minute, dude just whipping ass like it is nothing. I will say that the whole Marie story is interesting, but like all stories, you need a girl or a boy to help you realize your main power but also a person that the main villain wants.
Speaking of the villains, they were actually pretty interesting and entertaining. Each one had their own goal of wanting whatever they want. Each one is designed differently and has a power that is specific to them. For example, Wilhelm Ehrenburg is an albino who served as First Lieutenant for the infamous 36th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS. His senses magnify in the darkness, almost as if he was a vampire, and embraces it as part of his identity. Then there is a character who controls a beast that seems to do fire and all of that. Each villain of this Order appears to be strange.

I thought the main character was a complete BORE. Ren Fujii is just a boring character and one that COMPLAINED the whole time. He is a loner that seems to have NO personality. After leaving the hospital from getting this ass handed to him, he receives his powers after transferring from Kasumi. He learns to harness them with training from Kei Sakurai. As you watch the anime, you believe that this person can beat someone beyond more intelligent and powerful than him after a few days. Get the f**k out of here with that mess.
This anime is a waste of time. I do like the name. Dies Irae means the Day of Wrath in Latin. It would’ve been a great anime if it actually lived up to its name. The story is okay but could’ve been a ton better. Only being 11 episodes didn’t really do this anime any justice because it was so fast that it really didn’t excite me. The main hero was blah, and the villain should’ve destroyed him in the first episode and called it a day. Watch something else, and don’t waste your time on this anime.