E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

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Read Time6 Minute, 56 Second

Rating: 5 out of 5

It has been YEARS since I saw E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial. When I mean years, I am talking about maybe twenty years give or take a few years. I remember watching it when I was younger, and if anyone remembers, it used to be this entertaining and excellent ride at Universal Studios: Orlando. I don’t think the ride even exists anymore. I just remembered sitting in a ride car like a bike and going through the forest.

E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial is one of the best and heart-warming movies that will make you smile and definitely cry. Steven Spielberg is by far one of the greatest and visionary minds of all-time. It is truly amazing how well Spielberg can direct a movie. The movie explores friendships, growth, and love.

Via: Universal Pictures

E.T. starts off with a group of alien botanists doing their thing and taking samples of Earth’s plant life. They are deep in the woods and in a secluded area. An owl suddenly hoots, and they stop like a deer in headlights while their chest glows red. One of the little aliens decides to explore the wooded area and look around while taking in the wildlife and trees. Suddenly, a group of humans or agents roll up and see the little alien running while making one of the strangest shrieking sounds ever made. Yo, for stumpy, small legs, E.T. had that Usain Bolt speed as he ran through the woods. The alien’s homies sensing danger are like “I’m Out” and bounce without the little alien. Now the alien is stranded on Earth with little hope of making it back home. 

The movie proceeds with the introduction of a mother and her three children. Just so you know, one of the children is a very, very, very young Drew Barrymore. The main character is a middle child named Elliott. Elliott doesn’t really get along with his older brother, as they argue, along with wishing his father was around. His mother works hard as a single mother. During the evening, Elliott gets pizza for his brother’s friends. On the way back to the house, he spots something in the shed. He doesn’t know what it is, so he rolls a baseball in the shed. The ball is tossed back, and Elliott runs in the house, telling his mom and brother’s friends. When they go look, they find nothing. The next night Elliott and the little alien finally meet. The scene will have your heart pounding.

After some initial communication issues, Elliott and E.T. (name given to the alien) start an unlikely friendship. As the friendship progresses, Elliott and E.T. create a sympathetic link where Elliott can feel and sense what E.T. feeling. A thing that will get Elliott in trouble. As time goes on, E.T. is introduced to the family and states that he wants to “phone home” and have his homies come get him. The real journey begins for everyone as they try to get the little alien, they call E.T. home.

This movie is truly SPECIAL in so many ways. The storyline, directing, and overall feel of the film is just amazing. I honestly forgot how great this movie was and see why it is always considered one of the best movies ever made.

Via: Universal Pictures

Let’s start off with the story. Nowadays, most alien movies show and evil alien that comes and terrorizes a town. That is pretty much many alien movies, but Spielberg takes a different direction and shows an alien film that shows friendship, care, and love. A unique friendship grows between Elliott and E.T. and even the family members. At first, it would seem that Elliott is a loner until he meets his alien friend. E.T. really doesn’t teach him anything about love or friendship, but the act of the two being together and feeling the other’s emotions is funny. This is shown when E.T. is at home, and Elliott is at school. When E.T. drinks beer, Elliott becomes intoxicated. When E.T. reads about saving someone, Elliott tries to save all the frogs. The best of it all was when E.T. watches a film where a man kisses a girl. Elliott lays a nice one on a little girl. Their friendship is pretty much summed up at the end of the film, where I almost damn near cried. Before boarding the spaceship, E.T. embraces Elliott and tells him, “I’ll be right here,” pointing his glowing finger to Elliott’s forehead. It was so touching and heart-warming.

Also, the love of a family comes into play. It looks like Elliott and his older brother don’t get along at the beginning of the film. Throughout the film, you see their growth as the older brother becomes more protective of his little brother and a bond forming between the three siblings. It is exceptional to watch. The older brother’s friends seem to accept Elliott more and his “strange” ways through this.

Via: Universal Pictures

Let’s talk about the special effects. They are not as grand nor aged well through time, but boy was they probably out of this world when this movie came out. The primarily showing of this is when E.T. and Elliott ride the bike through the sky. We see the iconic scene of them against the moon, but pretty much this is the highlight of the effects as many of them revolve around the variety of characters, flying through the sky.

Spielberg’s eye for a scene is freaking amazing. I mean, the dude knows how to shoot a movie. The first example of this is when E.T. is running through the woods. Like in Jaws, it is filmed from the POV of E.T. The camera is low and going through the woods. Another shot is with the shed. Against the dark night sky, the shed is illuminated brightly. Even when E.T. first appeared, the backdrop of the illuminated shed was eye-opening. Every scene from the boys riding through the hosing development area or when the government comes is something to watch.

Now, let’s talk about the adults. I don’t know if Spielberg did this on purpose or not, but it adds to the element of intrigue. For almost 85% of the movie, no adult faces were seen. Actually, the only adult’s face that was seen was the mom. We never see Elliott’s teacher face. The men looking for E.T. faces are never shown. When the government shows up at the house, they are in space suits. Really y’all? Spacesuits. Y’all on Earth. Only when E.T. is sick is when we really start to see many adult’s faces.

Via: Universal Pictures

Let’s take a look at E.T. Out of all the aliens I have ever seen, E.T. is by far one of the friendliest looking aliens. He is not intimidating and has a heart of gold that glows red. Well, actually, I don’t like his hands. They are by far creepy. E.T. is a fantastic character, and the person who designed him needs to be praised. Now for the personality of E.T. When left at home, he resembles that broke ass friend that stays in a robe, sleeps all day and drinks. That one part was so good and funny. The whole glowing finger thing is a nice added touch. I want to say this, when E.T. was dying, he sure did become ashy-white. The dude really needed some coco-butter.

E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial is by far one of the greatest movies ever made. It will put a smile on your face and will make you cry at the end. Steven Spielberg is a certified genius when making the imagination come to life. Everyone should watch this film and enjoy it to the fullest. You need to watch before E.T. goes home.

Via: YouTube/Universal Pictures
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