Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Let’s go down a short history lesson path about the main character of this film. Erin Brockovich is an American legal clerk who became an environmental activist despite her lack of formal education in the law. She was instrumental in building a case against Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) involving groundwater contamination in a town in California with the help of attorney Ed Masry in 1993.

Directed by Steven Soderbergh, the film is a dramatization of the true story of Erin Brockovich and her story of how she fought against the energy corporation Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) regarding their responsibility in the groundwater contamination of Hinkley. Erin Brockovich-Ellis (Roberts) is an unemployed single mother with three kids and desperately trying to find a job but without any prospects. After a job interview, her car was struck, where she filed a lawsuit against the doctor who hit her. Her lawyer, Ed Masry (Finney), believes the case is a slam dunk win, but during cross-examination, Erin’s confrontational courtroom behavior loses her the case. With nowhere to turn, Erin successfully gets a job as a clerk at Ed’s law firm. While working at the firm, no one takes her seriously because of her clothes and how she talks to people. One day while looking over files, Erin noticed a real estate file where the case involved the Pacific Gas & Electric Company. She gets permission to investigate and so discovers that the company is trying to buy up all the property in Hinkley because the water has been contaminated by hexavalent chromium, a deadly toxic waste that the company is improperly and illegally dumping and, in turn, poisoning the residents in the area. As Erin continues digging deeper, she believes the town can bring a class action lawsuit against one of the biggest billion-dollar companies.

Honestly, this film was more about the performance of Julia Roberts than anything else. I am not the biggest Julia Roberts fan. I enjoy some of her movies, but I can do without them. I’m not going to bullshit you; I was dreading watching this movie. I was not looking forward to watching this film after seeing the previews. I even admit that I enjoyed Roberts’ performance as the title character. Honestly, Roberts’ performance carried this film, and she is the only reason you should watch this film, along with Finney’s performance. Roberts was something special as she told off everyone and anyone. Some of the highlights in this film is when Erin is greeted by the other firm and lets Angela or whatever her name is have it. Even called the girl’s shoes ugly.
Most of all, the interactions between Erin and Ed are the highlights. The two bicker at each other so much that it is funny sometimes. She chews him out, and he chews her out. My favorite scene between the two is at the end. Erin is upset because she doesn’t believe she is getting what she deserves and goes off. Ed stands there and listens until she looks at her check. He said I don’t know how beauty queens apologize and followed that up with a funny face and a little dance. It is something special in the growth of their relationship.

As far as the actual story, it was interesting and well done. I enjoyed watching Erin uncover the truth about the whole thing. I tell you that companies are straight up trifling with poisoning water. It is sad to hear how so many families either died or had debilitating diseases. Erin showed that she really cared for all the people. When she investigated, homegirl went into some nasty ass places to get the results she needed. What I love about Erin is that no one believed her until she told off that other law firm. She knew every person’s number and life history. Gotta respect the player, not the game, because she went hard with that scene. Rather than showing a major judgment, it showed how Erin gained the trust of the town and got each one of them to sign on for the arbitration. The best scene was the ending. I thought it was great to not show a case but show Erin speaking with Mrs. Jensen. I like how she gave the news to Mrs. Jensen and the smile on her face when she looked relieved.
Overall, I was pleasantly impressed with this film. I want to say sorry to Julia Roberts because homegirl brought it to this film. The interaction between Roberts and Finney is priceless and special to watch. That is where the movie really gets many of its special moments. Watch this film and have fun watching the amazing performance of Roberts.