God Eater

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Read Time6 Minute, 41 Second

Year: 2015 – 2016

Genre: Action, Military, Sci-Fi, Fantasy

Episodes: 13

Rating: 4 out of 5

History is filled with great scientific discoveries. Whether its gravity, the periodic table, the x-ray machine, study of the body, examination of blood, the study of the brain, all have been done by extraordinary people. Each discovery has pushed mankind a little bit further than it once was. The pursuit of new things keeps humanity in its quest to learn.

Along those lines, new discoveries of animal species continue to happen. Whether it’s finding a new species out in the wild or making a new one by hand in a lab, nature is also always progressing to new heights. Adapting to their new surroundings with each new life.

What if man found a new type of cell? While studying that cell, the cell evolves into something more adaptable to what it was before. Every time scientist analyzes the cell, it changes until it ultimately becomes something never seen before. What if the scientists don’t know what they have and keep testing and testing until the cell becomes something they can’t fight against. That the new being/species is something that can annihilate humankind.

God Eater explores what happens when scientists take their experimentation too far, and a new beast appears. One that eats humans and grows into a deadlier monster each and every time. Mankind’s only hope is to use humans called God Eaters to fight back against these new man-eating beasts. Will mankind take back their world or let the new creatures have it for all eternity?


Via: Ufotable

In the year 2071, humanity is on the brink of being wiped off the face of the earth. Man-eating creatures known as Aragami wander the land, attacking any human insight while consuming almost everything in their path. The Aragami boasts a defense that leaves any conventional weaponry useless against them, making safety practically meaningless. 

Humanity’s last hope is with an organization named Fenrir. Fenrir recruits unique humans that are infused with Oracle cells, allowing them to wield special weapons to fight against and kill the Aragami. The unique humans use specific God Arc and are known to the world as “God Eaters.”

A new recruit named Lenka Utsugi arrives at Fenrir with the hopes of destroying all the Aragami. Lenka is considered a New-Type whose God Arc can take the form of a blade and a gun. God Eater follows Lenka’s quest to master his God Arc and fulfill his desire to wipe out all the Aragami once and for all.

Series Breakdown:

Via: Ufotable

First and foremost, the animation of this anime is OUT OF THIS WORLD! Holy S**t is the animation great in this anime. It is the first thing you will notice. The animators took a different look with making this anime, and it brought its A-game. The anime looks like it was made with all CGI with nothing hand-drawn. All the characters are distinctly drawn with their own style. The tone of the animation goes in line with the situation the characters are in. Many of the scenes are drawn with a dull tone, as many of the situations are painful. Each Aragami is depicted uniquely as all the creatures are different. The main villain, Dyaus Pita, is drawn in a way that makes you fear it. It is shrouded in a dark aura with glowing red eyes and a face of an old man with a white beard. It is a genuinely terrifying being that animators wanted to put fear in the characters. The battle scenes are nicely drawn. When Lenka, Lindow, and Alisa are top of the plane fighting, you can see great detail drawn for each character. The movements of each character are beautifully made for their own style. One of the best scenes is when Lenka and Alisa stare at each other for a split second and then slash at upcoming enemies. Lenka flashes a green color while Alisa flashes a pink tint. 

Via: Ufotable

The second area that is amazing about this anime is the soundtrack. The soundtrack is terrific and goes hand in hand with the anime and situations. The song “Maintain Maintain” is by far the best in the series. The song, along with the fight scene with Lenka, Lindow, and Alisa, made me more excited for the anime and got me pumped up for the scene/battle that was coming up. The song is very upbeat with a sweet melody.  It moves nicely and isn’t too fast or slow. The perfect song for the situation. Another song that fits the anime well is “No Way Back.” This song played during the sad situations in the anime. It played when during the situation, Alisa and Lenka were in. As they wandered around trying to find help and avoid the monsters, the song seemed to echo their pain and will to survive. The song also plays during the final moments of Lenka’s sister’s life as he runs away from danger.

Via: Ufotable

The characters in God Eater are pretty good. The anime spends an episode going into the background of each character. At first, you really don’t know anything about the characters. Lenka seems like a hothead who wants to get strong. Alisa looks like a girl who just wants to prove that she is better than anyone. Soma seems like he doesn’t like anyone. As the story progresses, we learn that all the characters have their own faults and motivations that drive them. Lenka was actually an orphan, left by his family. Another family finds him and raises him as their own. He grows up in a happy family, moving around a lot. His mother dies, and his father and sister are killed by beasts. He vows to kill all the creatures for revenge. Alisa’s parents were killed when she was young by the main villain. This incident has brought fear and terror to her that eventually makes her breakdown during battle. Soma’s childhood was rough as his father saw him as the reason for his mother’s death. He tries not to get attached because he is known as the God of Death. The best character of them all is Lindow. The dude is the baddest muthaf***a in the world. No matter the situation, he always seems calm and collective. He smokes on a cigarette while cutting down a beast with one hand. True badass.

Via: Ufotable

Where the anime fails is with the storyline. It is a story that seems to be told many times over. Scientists find a new species and research it. Scientists mess around when the species at hand becomes too much for the scientists to handle. Everything goes wrong, and the species is on the brink of destroying the world and all life on it. Let’s not forget about the kid who wants to kill the new species because it killed off his family. It sounds like a familiar storyline. I bet it does. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take the time to see it.

Overall, God Eater is a very entertaining anime to watch. For only 13 episodes, this anime does a great job just keeping you entertained. I can watch many scenes over and over again. The fight scenes are pretty good and are the definite highlight of the anime. The background stories of many of the characters are pretty sad. They will make you have a new appreciation for the characters. The anime does leave you wanting more to see what happened to certain characters. With that said, the anime doesn’t deserve a sequel because the story will be repetitive.

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