Highlander (1986)

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Read Time6 Minute, 17 Second
Via: 20th Century Fox

Rating: 4 out of 5

“There Can Be Only One!!”

Highlander is one of those fantasy films that you either love or hate. A film that has spanned as many films as immortals in the film. Hell, it even spawned a tv series that ran for six seasons. Obviously, people had to love this crazy film to get all of that. Side note, the anime movie Highlander: The Search for Vengeance is pretty awesome. Word around the movie industry that a reboot is in the works. If a film sucked that much, its head would’ve been cut off and buried deep. I personally like Highlander. The film is over the top, insane, and cheesy in many ways. The film has one of the creepiest villains and a high-class soundtrack performed by the one and only Queen. Strap in and make sure you keep your head on.

Via: 20th Century Fox

In the city that never sleeps, aka New York City, antique shop owner Russell Nash is at a wrestling match in Madison Square Garden. He gets a sensation and goes to the parking lot. A man called Iman Fasil challenges Nash, and a crazy sword fight ensues. Nash manages to get the upper hand and beheads Fasil. Nash hides his sword and is soon arrested by the police as he tries to leave. In a flashback, we learn that Nash is Connor MacLeod (Lambert) of the Clan MacLeod. MacLeod was born in 1518 in the Highlands of Scotland and, in 1536, was stabbed to death while facing a mysterious and evil opponent (Brown) during a battle of clans. Connor surprisingly survives, and his people think he is possessed by the Devil. His clan banishes him from the village. Living with his wife and having a happy life, Connor meets Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez (Connery), a swordsman like Connor who explains the truth of what is happening and becomes his teacher. Connor is immortal and can only die if beheaded. The immortals compete in a game where if another takes the head of the other, the loser’s power is absorbed into the winner. The game’s ultimate goal is the Prize, enough power to rule the Earth forever. Connor fights through the centuries until the Gathering, where the last four immortals fight until there is only one. Who head will come off, and who will be the one to claim the top Prize? There can be only one.

As I stated, if you are looking for an over-the-top fantasy sword film with cheesy dialogue, crazy swordplay, and fantastic music, then this is the film. I found the story quite interesting and entertaining. Are there some areas that are blah? Of course, there is, but hey, it’s all about the sword fighting. I found it exciting and fascinating that the story revolved around immortals that fight with swords, and the only way to win is to behead your opponent. Who thinks of this type of stuff because I want to applaud you. Not only do you have to behead another immortal, but you have all their knowledge and power once you do. That is even crazier shit, if I must say so.

Via: 20th Century Fox

The story revolves around Connor MacLeod and watching his story is interesting. This is how you create character development. We see Connor go through the years and learn about his new world. Also, the man loves his haggis! What I found interesting is that we see Connor in France acting a fool and even saving his secretary when she was a little girl while fighting in WWII. Some of the best parts of the film are MacLeod and Ramirez. The chemistry between them is hilarious. When Ramirez and Connor are on the boat, Ramirez throws him off for disrespect. I am happy that the movie took a considerable amount of time showing the relationship between the two. There is also a love story, but that really doesn’t matter.

With this film, you have to have a crazy ass villain, and holy shit, was The Kurgan crazy. What I love is that he is only in the movie a third of the time, but his presence is freaking intense when he is own. You see the fear and doubt in Connor, knowing that he would have to face such a warrior. There is a scene where the Kurgan steals a car and goes wild. His character is important because it really shows the good and evil between Connor and himself. Connor might be moody, but The Kurgan is straight evil and loves how he dresses in black.

I must say this because it is one of the best aspects of the whole film. The freakin music by Queen is outstanding. “A Kind of Magic” was a pretty good song, but it is one of those songs that eased you into the music of this film. Another song was “Who Wants to Live Forever,” was a banger of a song that was played during the sex scene. Yet, it was a song that made you wonder if you wanted to live forever knowing your loved one would die. “Give Me The Prize” was the perfect song for the Kurgan because dude was only after it, and it was dark and catchy. The song that freakin blew me away was “Princes of the Universe.” The rift, lyrics, and singing are top-notch. I give it to Freddie; dude knows how to deliver a song.

Via: 20th Century Fox

As far as the acting goes, you won’t find any Oscar-winning performances, BUT everyone does their job and is very convincing. Christopher Lambert has a way of being soft-spoken and calm. He has a look that is between intense and smiling. He made a great Connor MacLeod as he brought his character to life. There are some scenes where he doesn’t seem like he is trying and other scenes where he looks like he is having a grand ole time.

Sean Connery was one of the best characters in the whole game. As Juan Sánchez-Villalobos Ramírez, was an Egyptian immortal that had lived in Japan and then later in Spain. He really played up the Spanish role because did you see that red outfit he rolled up in. God Damn!! Connery seemed to just bring style and charm to this role and film.

I want to give major props to Clancy Brown. I know Brown from many other stuff, but he was extra creepy and evil in this film. As the Kurgan, he played his character as a sadistic and brutal barbarian. The scene with him in the church makes my skin have goosebumps. Dude makes you uncomfortable, and I have to applaud Brown for making it happen.

Highlander is one of those films that you either love or hate. The sword and fantasy aspects of the film are entertaining. Immortals beheading each other for a prize is quite entertaining. Lambert, Connery, and Brown are fun to watch. Queen did a great job with the soundtrack. Watch this film and know that there can only be one.

Via: 20th Century Fox


Via: Capitol
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