Rating: 0.5 out of 5
Here, let me make this easy for everyone with a letter from me to the people that do this film.
Dear Saw franchise,

Please stop. For the love of everything good in this world, please stop making movies for this franchise. Let’s not even go down the route of rebooting the whole franchise. You had a good run, and it is time to stop. There is nothing wrong with just stopping. This last movie was pretty bad, terrible, and downright didn’t make much sense. So it is time to hang it up. You have cemented your legacy. Don’t become like the Jason movies and get all the way up to Jason X. Then have people going, “WTF is this shit.”
The first movie was really, really good. That twist ending at the end made the whole movie. The style, direction, the sense of unknowing, and the puzzle of just trying to figure out what was going on was amazing. Now, you make a movie on the most brutal and insane way to kill someone. That is what the franchise and film have been reduced to. How messed up can we kill someone. If you’re going to go that route, at least make it believable. (SIDE NOTE: Whoever reads this, please don’t put me in some type of trap. I greatly appreciate it.”) Where’s the substance? Where are the plot twists that make you really excited? Where are the simple traps where people actually had a chance to survive?

We are placed ten years after the death of John Kramer, aka the Jigsaw Killer. We are introduced with a criminal running for his life as he is pursued by law enforcement. Police catch up with him, and he hits a remote trigger as he states, “to start the game” before being shot. The trigger activates a game with once again five people are held captive in a barn with shackles around their necks. John’s voice explains they must give a sacrifice of blood and confess their sins. The chains begin pulling them towards a wall of buzz saws. Most of the group survive by cutting themselves as an offering of blood, but the unconscious man awakens too late to escape. Police begin their desperate search for the victims while chasing the ghost of the legendary killer who has been dead for ten years. Did somehow, John fake his death and come back from the dead to carry out his purpose and to remind everyone to be grateful for their life? Or is this just another copycat killer who thinks they can do what John started?
This movie made absolutely NO SENSE! First, the start of this movie for the victims was almost exactly like how the victims were in Saw V. I hit pause and was like, “Hold up! I’ve seen that part before.” The only difference, the victims had to give blood to get free while in Saw V, the victims had to break keys and get the right one. Starting to lose the original thought. How you going to use the same trap from before and just change it a little. Whatever.

Now trying to figure out how the characters are related to each other is a complete waste of time. A complete waste of time. From the previous movies, the victims had lost their way and need to be set right. Now the theme of the stories seems to be, “If John Kramer has been in your life or seen you do something, you are connected to him in some way, shape or form, and you maybe will go through a trap.” The movie reaches so far in explaining how each victim was somehow in the life of Kramer that it is laughable. One victim was literally this: they sold a bad motorcycle to Kramer’s nephew. Really? We’re reaching that far back? Give me a break!
Then the ending comes along, and you’re like, “WHAT?” The ending was so bad and confusing it was like, let’s forget what happened during the first seven movies. Let’s act like nothing had ever happened, nor did those endings matter.
The traps have just become torture traps. This franchise has now hit the point where the concept of the main character is gone, and now it’s just what the most insane way to kill someone is. Let’s be real, no one is getting out of those traps alive. I feel sorry for people who have to watch this movie now.
How has a franchise fallen so far? Please stop! No reboot, no ninth film. Slowly go away and play the first one over and over again.
Thank you,
A fan of movies.