Joker Game

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Read Time4 Minute, 49 Second

Year: 2016

Genre: Spy, Mystery

Episodes: 12

Rating: 3.75 out of 5

Spies. Almost every major government in the world uses them for their own benefit. Spies work in the world of espionage, where they obtain secret or confidential information without permission or knowledge from the holder of the information. The work of spies is used to help rival people to uncover secrets. Many agencies around the world see it at intelligence gathering to gain the upper hand on their enemies.

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the United States and the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS/MI6) are the central intelligence agencies that deal with foreign intelligence gathering and analysis. Both agencies are used domestically and internationally in many TV shows and films as the primary basis of spies and espionage. Whether it’s the CIA trained, memory lost Jason Bourne, or the charming MI6 agent James Bond, both agents are popular in showing the world of espionage.

Joker Game explores the world of espionage in the Japanese government before World War II. Each story shows what characters go through to obtain the secrets of rival countries before they must fight for their freedom and place in the world.


Via: Production I.G

During the autumn of 1937, the world can sense that World War II is around the corner. Whispers of war have started to spread to every corner of the world. Intelligence on other countries’ social and economic situations have become the number one asset for countries.

Japan believing that they will be major players in the upcoming war, decide to establish a new spy organization. They decided to give the command to a Lt. Col. Yuuki of the Imperial Army. Lt. Col Yuuki is a mysterious man who has spent most of his life in espionage. He decides to name the new organization, “D Agency.” 

Lt. Col. Yuuki recruits and trains eight agents that are the opposite of the national trend toward native-born soldiers in the army. He picks civilian university graduates who pass his selection test with flying colors. Lt. Col. Yuuki trains these men in the art of espionage, leaving all his knowledge upon them, to carry out the missions they must complete. The number one item he teaches them is the ability to manipulate people in order to obtain information necessary to give their country the advantage. 

What will these eight agents of the “D Agency” mission be like to give their country the upper hand against some of the greatest countries in the world during the time of war?


Via: Production I.G

Joker’s game is a very interesting way of showing the storyline. After watching it, I sat around and thought it was a good show but nothing special. Then I thought about it and actually liked the concept of what the show did and accomplished. The story has no linear path. Each episode is different and in its own timeframe in the world. Each episode revolves around one of the agents and their missions that they must accomplish. Each agent has their own trials they go through as they try to accomplish their mission. As you watch each episode, you see that each agent remembers a particular part of their training that helps them achieve their goal. Some agents complete their task in a few months while others have been undercover for a few years. I like that about the show as each mission is different in their own way. That each mission never takes the same amount of time to complete. The show shows that in a variety of ways. When trying to gather information on the enemy, your life must be utterly devoted to it. What I also like about the show is that some of the agents die in the process. That nothing is truly successful or that one must sacrifice themselves for the greater cause.

Via: Production I.G

Where the anime actually excels is the character development. There is actually zero character development of all the characters. That is a great thing for this show. We know nothing about the characters other than they went through rigorous training to become spies. We don’t know their actual names, where they come from, nothing at all. The reason this is great because of how many spy movies or TV shows we have seen where spies give their alias or different story. Each character has a personality of their own, but as you watch, you don’t know if it is their real personality or a fake.

The animation is nice for this show. It is nice and crisp to look at. It has that new feel of drawing to it where you can see that it is a new show and up to date with the drawing world. Each character is depicted in a way that suits them and their mission. It seems like no character is out of place, nor appears like they do not belong with the situation they are put in. The opening sequence is great to watch. With the show being called Joker Game, the opening sequence has playing cards all over the place while being infused with the characters.

Joker Game is an entertaining anime to watch. Each episode is a story in itself. This is a show that dramatically shows the world of espionage through many character’s eyes. No mission and episode are alike, but they all have the common theme: gain information for the advancement of our country. This is a great anime for the set-up watching of Jason Bourne and James Bond.

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