Kill la Kill

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Read Time5 Minute, 58 Second

Year: 2013-2014

Genre: Action, comedy, magical girl

Episodes: 24

Rating: 4 out of 5

The world of fashion. Fashion has been around since men and women knew what clothing was. Movies like “The Devil Wears Prada” or even the comedy Zoolander, fashion is often discussed. Clothes seem to make the person whether they are poor or rich. Whether one has those new Jordan’s, the latest Tom Ford suit, the sexy lingerie items of Victoria Secret, or clothing from Chanel. Fashion is one of the staples that display status. Even those yoga and sweat pants.

What world is worse than fashion?? How about the world of high school. Being in a clique and trying to make a name for yourself. High school can be a time that can be awesome or slightly traumatizing. Trying to learn where you fit in, along with being in a club. It definitely sucks being a freshman.

Kill la Kill takes fashion, high school, and some of the most insane fighting and throws it all together. What is the perfect outfit to battle in?


Ryuuko Matoi has arrived at the notorious Honnouji Academy, looking for the killer of her father. She has searched school after school looking for the killer. Her only lead is the missing half of his invention, the Scissor Blade.  

Via: Trigger

Honnouji Academy is a high school like no other in the world. Students wear “Goku Uniforms,” ranking from one star to three stars, that grant the wearer some crazy but unique powers and abilities that make them a formidable force. The higher the star, the more powerful the student is. The academy is ruled by the strict and powerful student council president Satsuki Kiryuuin and her subordinates, the Elite Four.

After getting her a** handed to her by one of the students in a “Goku Uniform,” Ryuuko retreats from battle and heads back to her burned down father’s house, looking for answers. As she looks around, she comes across Senketsu, a very rare “Kamui,” that awakens after coming in contact with Ryuuko’s blood. Senketsu latches onto Ryuuko after much fighting between the two. Senketsu gives Ryuuko more power than she can believe. With Senketsu on her body and the Scissor Blade in her hand, Ryuuko returns to the academy. Ryuuko is ready to battle against Satsuki Kiryuuin and the rest of the academy to find her father’s killer, if it means destroying the school she attends.


Outrageous! Over the top! WTF is actually going on?! What is this craziness? Did that really just happened? All of those thoughts and questions will go through your mind when you watch this anime. Not only is this anime so over the top that it is actually pretty good. It is one of the funniest, funniest, most entertaining shows you will watch. This anime will make you laugh, cry, but it is one of the best damn action girl anime to watch. It perfectly mixes comedy and action while taking sexuality to the extreme. The very extreme.

Via: Trigger

Let’s get to the story. It was actually terrific and exciting. The concept and story of a young girl (Ryuko), transferring to a school to find her father’s killer, is nothing new BUT the characters and concept of the whole clothes aspect is crazy. The students wearing uniforms (Goku Uniforms) that power themselves up beyond anything imaginable. The story evolves when Ryuko steps through the front door and challenges the student government president (Satsuki). She carries around a scissor-shaped longsword that can cut through the uniforms. You might think it would be easy, but NOPE! Ryuko has to find a uniform that is so revealing that it would make the skimpiest bikini blush. The story gets even crazier and crazier with the homeroom teacher and the whole Nudist Beach aspect along with Satsuki using her uniforms for world domination.

The pacing and the jokes of this anime are great. There isn’t just one single moment that slows down. From the word go, this anime is nothing but action, explosions, and battles galore. The best part is all the fight scenes. The fight scenes are so over the top, you can’t help but laugh. When Ryuko fights against the Elite Four, just pandemonium happens. When Ryuko fights against Satsuki, it is destruction on a Godzilla level. Now what makes this anime also great are the jokes. Every joke is almost about nudity or sexuality. Whether it is about Ryuko’s uniform, the jokes about tennis balls or boxing, or just simply covering up. The sexuality jokes are nonstop.

Via: Trigger

The characters are what drive this anime. The main character, Ryuko Matoi, is a fantastic character. She is loud, wild, headstrong, and wants to fight anyone who gets in her way to getting her goal. Through all of this, she is very loyal to her friends and has a caring heart. She is also a person that is reserved in the inside. On the complete opposite side of her is Satsuki Kiryuin. She is sophisticated, smart, strong, has a sense of duty and leadership. A true woman in power. The exact opposite of Ryuko but also very loyal to her friends. Then there is the sweet and amazing Mako Mankanshoku. Mako is funny, hilarious, a true friend, and her family is completely insane. The best character of the whole series and when Ryuko is down, her appearance under a spotlight is by far hilarious with her pep talks. Finally, there is Senketsu, the talking sailor uniform who gives advice to Ryuko but also a great friend to her.

Via: Trigger

Other characters help drive the anime or make it seem a little more diverse. First, there is the Honnouji Academy Elite Four. They are a unique group of characters that are outrageous in their own ways. They might be outrageous and have their personalities, but they also are incredibly loyal to Satsuki Kiryuin. Then there is homeroom teacher, Aikuro Mikisugi. Every chance he gets, he seems to take off his clothes in grand fashion. He loves to be in the nude, and for some reason, his clothes always come off in slow motion. Finally, there is the main villain, Ragyo Kiryuin. She is quite honestly the scariest person on earth. She has this pure skin and outfit. Every time she walks around, nothing but rainbow colors shoot from her head. Completely INSANE. Homegirl looks like Mina from Dracula. The Gary Oldman version.

Kill la Kill! is an excellent anime that is completely insane, over the top, outrageous, and full of fun. The story is really good with the hunt for revenge. The characters are all great and insane in their own ways. It’s all about Mako. The fight scenes are ultimately some of the craziest scenes you will see. This anime is one of the most entertaining anime to watch. It is a must-watch.

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