Morbius (2022)

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Via: Sony Pictures Releasing

Rating: 0.5 out of 5

Oh, Sony, I see what you are trying to do, and everyone wants to let you know that you are failing to create a world around Spider-Man miserably. Look, I know the Spider-Man franchise is a major cash cow for you, and you have done okay but let’s be real here. How about you sell the franchise back to Marvel and Disney and move on. Without the power of Marvel and Disney, you made two great Spider-Man films, and Marvel showed you how it is done.

Via: Sony Pictures Releasing

I will give you major credit for focusing on the villains of the comic book. I really enjoy the Tom Hardy and Venom series. They might not be the best, but they are entertaining and makes you invested in one of the most popular Spider-Man villains. I wonder why you decided to go with Morbius. Still, it is questioning everything I ever saw and think you can do with the Spider-Man franchise going forward. Let’s get into this blood-sucking piece of shit film.

Directed by Daniel Espinosa and written by Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless, the film is about two surrogate brothers who become living vampires after curing themselves of a rare blood disease. Let’s flap in the night and get down to it. Dr. Michael Morbius (Leto) is a world-renowned scientist who just won the Nobel Prize. The dude is legit and intelligent as hell. Morbius suffers from a rare genetic blood disorder that was supposed to kill him years ago, but dude won’t die and is driven to cure his disease. After years of failing to find a cure, Morbius gets the bright idea of using vampire bats from Costa Rica in the hope of splicing their genes with his own to cure his condition. Oh, you already know where this is headed. Before I forget, Morbius’s surrogate brother Milo (Smith) also suffers from the same disease and wants to be cured. Morbius receives funding for an illegal experiment in international waters on a private mercenary vessel with his equipment. The cure works, but shit gets real when it transforms Morbius into a vampire. Homeboy kills everyone and drains their blood after they attack him out of fear. Once Morbius had his fill of blood, he regains his senses. Morbius returns to New York and discovers he now has superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, and echolocation, with his vampire bats treating him as one of their own. As you know, nothing ever lasts as the FBI is investigating Morbius. Shit really gets real when people start showing up dead and drained. Morbius thinks it’s him when he learns Milo has taken the cure and has gone on a killing spree. Morbius must now stop his brother and try to clear his name.

Via: Sony Pictures Releasing

What makes Morbius a movie that is not up to the standard of a Marvel movie is the story, acting and visual effects, and pretty much everything. Let’s start off with the story. The story is decent as an origin story. I didn’t mind it initially because you see a doctor saving children and wanting to survive. Even when Morbius turned into a vampire and learned about his powers, it was still decent. After the power’s scene, that is when it went off the rails. It seemed rushed, and you became confused about what was happening after a while. It spent like 30 minutes trying to convince you that Morbius was killing people. Still, you knew it was his egotistical brother. What was up with the dance scene? I swear that Sony loves making their evil people do a dancing scene, and it’s freaking annoying. Trying to connect the films together with Michael Keaton showing up just didn’t work for me.

The effects were better than people say. Yea, it went with the slow-motion route, but the purple effect was cool to me. It added a little spice in my eyes. Also, it gave you a sense of what Morbius’s vampire abilities were capable of. I like the echolocation and how he flew. After that, it was special effects overload, which looked weird. The whole bat scene at the end was blah. It was like the scene in Batman Begins but times 9000. I didn’t mind how Morbius or Milo looked in vampire mode. Morbius looked like an ashy dude who lost a bottle of lotion, and Milo looked like a cracked-out vampire.

Via: Sony Pictures Releasing

As far as the acting goes, I know Leto is a method actor who goes overboard. It felt like he really toned down this one after his Suicide Squad fiasco. Leto, comic book films aren’t for you. You are a great actor; sometimes, it just doesn’t work out. On second thought, it does. You just need to find the right comic book character. Look at Chris Evans and Michael B. Jordan. Both played Johnny Storm, and they sucked major ass. One became Captain America, and the other became Killmonger and started killing it.

Matt Smith, I will give you this, you know how to be a dick when you need to be. Actually, you know how to be a pompous, stuck-up dick. I really didn’t like Smith in this role. If you want a villain that gets on your nerves, look no further than this asshole. Sorry for all the language, but it is something about Smith that rubs me the wrong way, and he really irritated me in this role. I clapped when he got his ass handed to him.

Morbius is one of those films that might gain a following decades from now. It’s pretty bad from the story, acting and effects. It doesn’t have the potential for another film. Hell, if Suicide Squad can get a reboot with most of the same actors, Morbius can. Let’s put this film in a coffin and seal it deep in the ground.

Via: Sony Pictures Releasing
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