Rating: 0 out of 5
Now I will admit that I was a HUGE fan of the first movie. It had all the iconic characters like Liu Kang, Scorpion, Sub Zero, Raiden, and the crew. To me, it is one of the best video game film adaptations. I don’t know how to say this, but the sequel to that film is entirely AWFUL! Finish Him! are the words you hear after defeating an opponent in Mortal Kombat to do a Fatality. Well, with Mortal Kombat Annihilation, this film series is official OVER!! There are some mind-numbing films out there, but this one takes the cake and then some with how awful it is.

I really don’t know who I can get through this review, but I will try my best. So, this film picks up right after the first one left off. Emperor Shao Kahn (Thompson) invades the Earthrealm with his army and plans to merge the two worlds. He gives the Earthrealm six days before completion. Oh, while I am at it, in the first 5 minutes, Johnny Cage dies. I thought you should know because his shadow kick was complete trash. Also, 75% of the original cast dipped out of this film. Okay, now somehow, Khan resurrected Kitana’s mother, Queen Sindel, and pretty much whatever to all of that. As usual, Liu Kang and the crew are the only ones who can stop them. Actually, only Liu Kang is the only one. Yeah, we meet different characters along the way and some crazy stuff that makes no sense and this and that.
I really don’t know what happened during this film’s planning stages, but it seemed to no strategy whatsoever. Honestly, WHAT THE F**K WAS THIS S**T YOU PUT ON THE MOVIE SCREEN?!?!?! Are you actually proud of this s**t because no one should? Everyone who appeared in this film should be ashamed of themselves. You done set the Mortal Kombat franchise back 2000 years! First off, how the f**k do you try to add in all the characters of Mortal Kombat at once? It made no sense. The first movie worked because it had the originals, and that was it. This one tried to add every character imaginable along with the fact they brought back Scorpion and Sub Zero but wait, they were their brothers or whatever. Some characters were just around to be totally useless. Case in point, Sheeva and Baraka. W.T.F was your whole purpose in this film besides getting crushed by a cage. Totally pointless.

I don’t even know how to describe the frustration of the storyline. Cool, Earthrealm gets invaded by Outworld. Understandable. Also, Raiden losing his powers was understandable because it was mentioned in the first film. All that was cool, but when you start throwing in Elder Gods, family drama, and people coming back from the grave and the whole thing with Animality, then shit gets crazy and a headscratcher. Also, I thought Liu Kang’s Animality was a dragon. We freakin get some dog with wings crap. Once again, he must pass three tests that went entirely over my head.
You would think that a film that revolves around a video game would have some good fight scenes. The fighting scenes in this film were miserable, boring, and just plain awful. What the hell you trying to do in this film. Really? You think that was Sonya Blade’s Kiss of Death! Raiden’s flying through the air might as well be forgotten about. No fighting scene made sense because they were quick, uncoordinated, and just plain, huh? The video game has more fighting action than this shit.

Since I am on an anger role, let’s talk about the characters and their acting. What the hell was up with Jax? Great acting right their buddy. Sonya, you were looking so good but let’s be real, might need to stay home for this one. Nightwolf, please sit around the fire and give useless advice. Actually, I am going to stop because NO ONE deserves a mention. Your acting was terrible, and you disgraced the characters you played. Shame on you!
You know what? I’m done talking about this film. Never again should anyone have to watch this terrible film. For the love of your mind and eyes, just skip over it. This is the reason why video games don’t get sequels. It just gets f**ked up in the process.