Movie Quotes #11

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Who loves movie quotes?!?! I love movie quotes. Here we go again with some classic quotes. Some that you will scream at the top of your lungs while you’re at work. Another where, you’ll be back to whip some ass. Finally, one where people deserve to die. Enjoy these great quotes and figure out when to use them.

“I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!” — Howard Beale, Network (1976)

Via: United Artists

A line that every man, woman and maybe child should scream at the top of their lungs when they are pissed. No need for you to take it anymore when you are pissed off. In the movie, Network, Howard has lost his job and family. He goes to his old job and unleashes in a drunken rant. The rant connects with people when he drops the iconic line. You damn right I’m mad as hell and will not take it anymore!!

“I’ll Be Back” – The Terminator, The Terminator (1984)

Via: Orion Pictures

The Terminator is an awesome film. James Cameron came through with a film that showed Arnold Schwarzenegger in his most iconic role. In the Terminator, Schwarzenegger plays a killer robot sent back in time to kill Sarah Connor, played by Linda Hamilton, before she gives birth to humanity’s savior against the machines. Schwarzenegger is AWESOME in this role as he is intimidating by selling the robot with little dialogue and a relentless pursuit to kill. Schwarzenegger drops the iconic line when he is at the police station. It is quick but it hits hard. The line transcended time and has become a line repeated in all Terminator movies.

Yes, they deserve to die and I hope they BURN IN HELL!” – Carl Lee Hailey, A Time to Kill (1996)

Via: Warner Bros

A film where Carl Lee Hailey is on trial for killing two white men who raped his little girl. Carl rolls up in the courthouse and guns them down. During the court case when Carl is being interrogated, he gets asked if it was justifiable. Leave it to the great Samuel L. Jackson to deliver the line with such passion and hatred. He wanted the courthouse to know that they got what they deserved and hoped more pain is granted to them in the afterlife.

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