Movie Quotes #18

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Here we go again with some famous Disney quotes!!! Disney be throwing out the quotes that are filled with wisdom and knowledge. This time around, I wanted to have some quotes that hit the soul. Some that were major life lessons for all. I think I have found some high quality quotes from Disney movies.

“A lie keeps growing and growing until it’s as plain as the nose on your face.” – The Blue Fairy, Pinocchio (1940)

Via: Walt Disney

Oh, Pinocchio and your conscious of Jimmy Cricket. A film that taught kids not to lie and if you do, your nose will grow and grow. As we get older, seems like this quote goes out of the window. When Pinocchio was telling that lie to the Blue Fairy of all people, his nose grew and grew. The Blue Fairy drops this amazing quote and gives such a major life lesson. Even now at an older age, it still resonates.

“Do not be fooled by its commonplace appearance. Like so many things, it is not what is outside, but what is inside that counts.” – The Merchant, Aladdin (1992)

Via: Walt Disney

Aladdin is an amazing movie and has many great quotes. At the beginning the merchant drops this amazing line. It is the same as don’t judge a book by its cover because you never know what it in the inside and the story. This quote is so good as it says not about your outward appearance but what is in the inside that really makes a person.

“Giving up is for rookies…I’m willing to go the distance. How about you?” – Phil, Hercules (1997)

Via: Walt Disney

I love this quote as it tells you that you should always get back up and keep moving forward. Hercules is a Greek hero who trained under Phil to be a famous hero. When he loses his powers and getting his ass handed to him by a cyclopes, Meg manages to convince Phil to come help. When Hercules says he wants to give up, the wise Phil drops this line. It nots about you giving up but also your support team who wont let you give up and walk those miles with you.

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