Movie Quotes #3

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The excitement is high to present the first ever superhero quotes. Quotes that have been ICONIC in the superhero genre. This will be a mixture between Marvel and DC. I think Marvel will have way more famous quotes, but DC has their own and will make it a challenge.

“I’m Batman.” – Batman, Batman (1989)

Via: Warner Bros

Let’s be real, almost everyone has recited this phrase. I know I did when I first watched this film when it came out. This quote was straight up AWESOME back in the late 80s. In Tim Burton’s first Batman film, he set up the tension of two criminals being watched by the Cape Crusader. After they robbed a family, they count their money. As they discuss about the crazy “Bat” theory, Batman descends from the sky, kicks some ass and takes one of the criminals and dangles them over a building ledge. When the criminal asks, “what are you?!” Keaton delivers the iconic line that will forever be in film history.

“I am Iron Man.” – Tony Stark, Iron Man (2008)

Via: Marvel/Disney

Who better than Robert Downey Jr. to deliver the ICONIC Marvel line that set up the MCU for years to come. Way back in 2008, Marvel took a risk with releasing Iron Man and the Incredible Hulk as these were the first two film of the MCU. Marvel took a risk on Downey Jr. but there is no one better than him as Tony Stark. At the end of the first film, while in front of a host of reporters, most heroes like to keep their identity secret. Tony, on the other hand, in all his glory, delivers the line that will live on in superhero history.

“With great power comes great responsibility.” – Uncle Ben, Spider-Man (2002)

Via: Sony Pictures

When Spider-Man dropped on the world in 2002, it changed the superhero game all together. The first of many films, this one had it all but the quote that lives on for everyone is the one Uncle Ben recited in the first film. A quote that could be said for all superheroes and their responsibility when they have powers. Even though Uncle Ben doesn’t know what is really happening, his words give young Peter guidance on how to use his new powers going forward.

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