Movie Slap: In the Heat of the Night

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What gets people excited when they’re watching a movie? Is it the acting, the car chases, the fight scenes, the lovey-dovey romantic stuff, or whatever reason they have? When viewing a film, what makes a person genuinely say, “Oh Damn!” Besides all those high-tech CGI fight scenes and whatnot, we decided to present the world with a new series called, “Movie Slaps Felt Around the World.” This series will examine movie slaps that we all felt and said either “Oh Damn” or “That was so disrespectful.” Without further ado…….Welcome to Movie Slaps Felt Around the World!

Our very first entry comes from the classic movie In the Heat of the Night. From the clip provided by MGM Studios and Movieclips comes what I must say is a slap that has earned its place in great film history of slaps.

To set the stage, Virgil Tibbs and Gillespie are investigating a murder. During their investigation, they suspect plantation owner Endicott, who is a certified racist and one of the most powerful men in town that opposed the murder victim’s plans. While talking about orchids, Endicott realizes he is being interrogated and by a black man nonetheless. In the eyes of Endicott: ain’t no black man going to interrogate and question me. That is when the gates of all slaps happen.

Slap #1: Endicott slaps Virgil Tibbs

  • Review: We call this backhand slap the “I’m so much better than you slap.” It was a slow backhand that had some purpose behind and had the message of, “You better know your place and don’t ever speak to me that way again.” Technique wise, it came from shoulder height and didn’t have any force to it. It’s an out of date backhand slap. One not commonly used anymore. Endicott slap rating is 2.5 out of 5

Slap #2: Virgil slaps Endicott back with the classic, “Are you out yo mind slap.”

  • Review: This slap was a thing of BEAUTY!!!! A slap that your mama gives you without hesitation and oh did Virgil not even hesitate. Technique wise, this backhand slap is a gold standard! He comes from hip level and swings upward. Had perfect angel and full extension of the arm to get that ideal force. His hand was so relaxed and moved with such grace and speed, it knocked the old man over. Never saw it coming! Simply this was a slap where your eyes water up, but you can’t say anything because your mind goes blank and your friends are in shock because they felt it also. Virgil’s slap rating is 4.5 out of 5 for quickness, the old man falling over and straight coolness.
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