Movie Slap: Public Enemies

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Today’s entry comes from the gangster crime drama, Public Enemies.

From the clip provided by Universal Pictures and Movieclips come not one but two amazing slaps. They both come from the main character John Dillinger. He was a slapping machine in this film. In both scenes, Dillinger gets his way.

Slap #1: “Don’t Be A Hero” Slap

The first slap is when Dillinger and his crew rob the bank at the beginning of the movie. The bank manager fiddles with his keys stating its one of the keys. That makes Dillinger do the “Don’t Be A Hero” Slap. It was a backhand but he kinda cheated because he also had a gun in his hand when he delivered it. Now I will say that when the bank manager fell over, he knew he done did wrong.

Slap rating: 3 out of 5

Slap #2: “Shut Yo Damn Mouth” Slap

The second slap is by far the BEST slap. It might possibly be a top 10 all-time movie slap. Dillinger is mad that his new girl left him to go back to work. At the coat check-in a man was getting rude because he wasn’t getting his coat fast enough. Dillinger’s hand moves so FAST across the back of the man’s head. The technique is a thing of beauty. He starts low at the hip and comes upward. His hand hit so hard that homeboy feel over. The look Dillinger gave after he did it was priceless. If you didn’t say, “DAMN!”, then you don’t know a proper slap when you see one.

Slap rating: 5 out of 5

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