Movies That Make You Go Huh #10

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It is Black History Month and I want to be fair and give some awful movies from MY PEOPLE! We can make some great movies and then we can make some really shitty movies. Sometimes if an film idea comes along we just need to stop and really think about it. I would say that some of these films are decent but nope, they are bound to give you a major headache.

Soul Plane (2004)

Via: MGM Distribution Co.

Oh, Soul Plane, how terrible were you to watch and go through. The black version of the comedy Airplane, this film failed miserably while showing many different situations of an airplane. It starts off weird with the Nashawn’s dog is classified as a checked baggage instead of a carry-on. Cool, so homeboy eats an airline meal that causes him to have immediate diarrhea. On the toilet, his ass gets stuck and when turbulence hits, somehow the dog is sucked through a jet engine. Nashawn sues and freakin wins $100 million. He decides to open his own airline, called N.W.A. (Nashawn Wade Airlines). Stupiduty ensues as each, and every brain cell slowly seeps through your brain trying to figure out why you are watching this film.

Fled (1996)

Via: MGM

This film was literally a copy and paste of the Defiant Ones. Starring Laurence Fishburne and Stephen Baldwin as two prisoners chained together who flee during an escape attempt gone bad. This was one of the most boring and unentertaining film that I have seen. It tried to be serious and funny at the same time and dropped the ball. I wanted to flee from my seat as I watched the film or pray that the train hitting me.

After Earth (2013)

Via: Sony Pictures Releasing

I don’t know about you but M. Night Shyamalan seemed to forgot how to make a great movie. This film was the idea of Will Smith. Should’ve left this idea in your head rather than brining it to the big screen. The film takes place 1,000 years in the future where humans evacuated Earth to another planet due to a massive environmental catastrophe. In a father and son film, Jayden and Will were both terrible. This film was a bore with Will’s stern emotional face and Jayden over the top and bad acting.

Obsessed (2009)

Via: Sony Pictures Releasing

I don’t know what to say about this film. Having a homewrecker and interracial tension in this film doesn’t make it great. The film stars Idris Elba and Beyonce as a married couple. Lisa is an office temp who develops strong unrequited feelings for her boss Derek and repeatedly tries to seduce him. When Sharon finds out, ass whippin ensues. The film is blah because white girl after black man after he says no. It also tries to be like Fatal Attraction but doesn’t work.

3 Strikes (2000)

Via: MGM

3 strikes? Hell, this film was done before it arrived at the processing center at the jail. The 3-strike rule is BS but damn is this film even more terrible. It is so bad that I don’t even want to waste your time in trying to understand it. Watching this film is a life sentence in itself and would drive your brain to become mush.

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