Movies That Make You Go Huh #22

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Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls to the series that keeps on giving. How much do you love finding and learning about new and awful movies? I sure do. Who wouldn’t want to watch a really bad movie? I am saving you the trouble because I have watched them. Sometimes my mind turns to mush and other times I lose a couple of brain cells. Here we go again with another round of bad movies.

Biker Boyz (2003)

Via: DreamWorks Pictures

I remember when this film came out. It was my senior year of high school and it sucked back then as it does today. Another film that tried to mimic Fast and Furious but this time on bikes. Nothing like boring ass underground motorcycle drag racers with tension rising between an old school street racer and a young prodigy. Hey Hollywood, come up with some original thoughts.

Torque (2004)

Via: Warner Bros

A boring ass motorcycle film just like Biker Boyz. A film about a biker who discovers some motorcycles filled with crystal meth. Things come ahead when a drug dealer wants the drugs. This film tried to be entertaining but it wasn’t. It pretty much had zero gas and boring. How about no more movies that have motorcycles. Let’s just let the motorcycle films die.

The Next Karate Kid (1994)

Via: Columbia Pictures

This is a fourth film that no one really asked for. It was okay for three karate kid films but not a fourth. Don’t know why but Hollywood seemed to think we needed a fourth film. This one stars Hilary Swank in her first feature film in a starring role. After watching this film, who would’ve guessed that she would go on to be a two-time Oscar winner and one of the best actresses of all time. Hey, you have to start somewhere.

Taxi (2004)

Via: 20th Century Fox

An unfunny remake of the French film that no one asked for. Starring Jimmy Fallon and Queen Latifah, you might as well not even try to get in this taxi because it will be a struggle. A film about an NYC police officer who is banned from driving has to rely on a taxi driver to help him sold a series of bank robberies. You will have more fun talking to an actual taxicab driver than watching this film. Now that I think about it, you will have more fun talking to your Uber driver.

I Know Who Killed Me (2007)

Via: Sony Pictures

Long ago, I had the “pleasure” of watching this film. I remember thinking how awful it was. It made ZERO sense and Lindsay Lohan was blah. This awful film was about a young woman who gets abducted and tortured by a serial killer but she survives and says she is not the person they are looking for. Come to find out that her father had an affair and she is a twin. It is beyond stupid and terrible to watch.

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