Movies That Make You Go Huh #25

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Entry #25!!! Who would’ve thought that I would’ve made it to having 25 entries of awful movies. If I did my calculations correctly, that is 125 movies. Damn, that is a freakin a lot of movies and I haven’t even counted all the other subgenres of this wonderful series. Have fun with this entry and try not to watch these films.

Jem and the Holograms (2015)

Via: Universal Pictures

A film made after the famous animated series, it failed tremendously. There was no singing and dancing in this film. How you trying to make a film in 2015 with a TV show that came out in the 1980s. Kids wouldn’t understand, and the adults might have to refresh their memory. Lewis’s performance was great but everything else about this film should be forgotten. Turn off the stage lights and move on.

The Last Witch Hunter (2015)

Via: Lionsgate

I remember watching the trailer and was somewhat excited to see this film in the theaters. I don’t know why I wanted to watch it, but I am glad I missed watching it and spent money on it. Starring Vin Diesel as an immortal witch hunter, the film was a boring, sleep-inducing story. It is boring and the story confuses the hell out of you. If I was a witch, putting this film on might destroy my mind. I would call upon any spell to get out from watching this film.

Bio-Dome (1996)

Via: MGM

I remember watching this film as a kid and thinking it was funny. Oh, how wrong was I because I watched this film recently and it is one of the dumbest and worse films around. A film about two dumbasses played by Pauly Shore and Stephen Baldwin, manage to get in a bio-dome while thinking it was a shopping mall. It looked nothing like a shopping mall. They must stay in it with five scientists for a year. This film is BAD, and no one should watch it. You might as well end up in a bio-dome to escape this film.

Tarzan and the Lost City (1998)

Via: Warner Bros

This film brings back some awful memories and I was a teenager when it came out. It was bad back in the day and it is bad now. It was so bad that it pretty much ended Casper Van Dien’s career. Homeboy had to wait a long time before getting a great role. The film also halted another Tarzan movie until 2016, which was also a bad movie.

Dark Crimes (2016)

Via: Saban Films

Dark Crimes has a Rotten Tomatoes score of 0%. Does it deserve a 0% rating? Nope, it’s not one of the worse films I have ever seen. The score can come up to 2% but not zero. Taken from a true crime story, the film is a slow torture to watch. Jim Carrey tries his best but wasn’t feeling the Polish accent. About halfway through, you wish the movie would just end.

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