Movies That Make You Go Huh #27

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Here we go again with some awful movies. The 27th entry in this wonderful series. This is the series that keeps on giving and it doesn’t even count horror movies which seems to be on a level of its own. This time around, I think I found some special films that are truly bad in more ways than one. Strap in and get your mind right to watch some of these awful films.

Heart Condition (1990)

Via: New Line Cinema

I remember watching this film long ago and didn’t think much of it. I rewatched it and I still don’t think much of it. It stars Bob Hoskins and Denzel Washington. In the film, Hoskins plays police sergeant Jack Moony, a racists cop and Washington plays Napoleon Stone, a lawyer. Both hate each other. But wait there’s more!! Stone goes on a date with Moony’s ex-girlfriend. When Stone is killed in a car accident and Moony needs a new heart, Moony wakes up with Stone’s heart and now can communicate with him as a ghost. Yea, a racist cop with a black man heart. I’ll let you watch the rest of this movie.

Raw Deal (1986)

Via: De Laurentiis Entertainment Group

I was on PlutoTV and Raw Deal came on. It was an Arnold month as they were showing a bunch of his movies. Now, I want to say that Raw Deal is one of those films that is pure action, a simple plot and somehow messes up everything. Arnold plays an FBI agent turned small-town sheriff. The first five minutes of this film were laughable. Arnold’s character is recruited to destroy a mafia organization. The last bit of this film was mind-numbing. Arnold rolls up in a car and shoots everyone and it was over the top. You have to watch this film to believe it.

Baywatch (2017)

Via: Paramount Pictures

I grew up watching Baywatch. I remember the theme song and all the beautiful women in the red swimsuit. Years after the show ended a movie came out starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Zac Efron, you would think it would be good since they look like beach people. The film was so bad that no lifeguard should’ve come and rescued this film. It seemed to be all over the place. It does have some moments but you might as well watch the tv show.

Dark Tide (2012)

Via: Wrekin Hill Entertainment

I love Halle Berry, but this film was not her greatest work. Is this film worse than Cat Woman? They might be neck and neck. Berry plays Kate Mathieson, a shark expert whose business is going into the abyss after a shark attack on her watch. Kate is haunted by the memory and afraid to get back into the water. To save her business, her ex-husband presents a lucrative opportunity to take rich people on a shark dive. You know where this is going and it was so bad to watch. This film was so bad it has a 0% on Rotten Tomatoes. That is extremely bad.

Pinocchio (2002)

Via: Miramax Films

Sometimes a live action film doesn’t need to be made. Case in point is the 2002 version of Pinocchio. Directed, written and starring Roberto Benigni, the film is a joke. The film wasn’t funny, charming or even pleasurable to watch. I wanted my on blue fairy to take me away and have it end. This film is bad and holds the dreaded 0% on Rotten Tomatoes. It was hard to watch.

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