Movies That Make You Go Huh? #5

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Here we go once again with another round of Movies that Make You Go Huh? I know you love this series because of the bad acting, over the top antics, horrible CGI and many other things. If you looking at a good laugh or something that will make you scratch your head in confusion then get ready because these movies will definitely make your brain cells shrivel.

Godzilla (1998)

Via: TriStar Pictures

I will be the first to tell you that I am a huge Godzilla fan. THIS FILM WAS COMPLETE AND UTTER TRASH!!!! How is this even a Godzilla movie?? That wasn’t even Godzilla. That was like Godzilla’s unwanted cousin name Larry (apologies to all the people named Larry out there). What was he or it? If you wanted a giant lizard, then you should’ve made a giant lizard. A giant freakin’ iguana would’ve served a far better purpose.

Replicas (2019)

Via: Entertainment Studios

Replicas is an AWFUL movie. A headscratcher where your precious time has been significantly wasted. Replicas are pretty much this; take a blender and throw in the concept of bringing back the dead from Frankenstein. Next, add some robots from the ideas of i, Robot, and Ex Machina. Let’s not forget a few Surrogates that Bruce Willis made and top it off with some special effects like Minority Report. We get this very, very bad movie.

The Core (2003)

Via: Paramount Pictures

I have seen some lousy disaster movies in my lifetime. Whether it was a giant earthquake, tornado, hurricane, or even a giant meteor about to descend upon the Earth, disaster movies seemed to bring out the worse in movie making. I have seen a decent disaster movie very few times, and let me tell you that The Core is not a great disaster movie. The concepts are great, but the whole disaster aspect needs to go far out of the window.

Johnny Mnemonic (1995)

Via: TriStar Pictures

Oh, Keanu Reeves and Johnny Mnemonic. This was before Reeves was the John Wick we know as him today. He plays Johnny, a man with an overloaded, cybernetic brain implant designed to store information. It is set in the dystopian future, which ironically is the year 2021. Thank god the world didn’t end up like that. It is a complete mess. Also, Dolph Lundgren what the hell were you doing as a killing priest.

Mortdecai (2015)

Via: Lionsgate

Back in the day when Johnny Depp couldn’t do no wrong, he starred in Mortdecai and ever since then his career or even before it was on a downward spiral. The storyline made no sense and the acting was so bad that I can hear the whispers of W.T.F in the background. It was one of the lowest points on many of the star’s careers. Hell, Paltrow was even affected by it.

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